How can a heart like yours, ever love a heart like mine.

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{Guess who's P.O.V this still is- Gerard's.}

It was about 6:30 in the evening. Bandit had fallen asleep on the sofa curled up next to me. It was sweet. This time, Lyn-z pulled out her phone and started to snap some pics of us together.

But I was trapped. I didn't want to wake her but me and Lyn-z had dinner reivations for our anniversary and i was taking Bandit to mikey's soon to baby-sit.

Lyn-z walked away to go and get ready for dinner so she couldn't help me. I thought the only thing I could do was to slide her into the crib really carefully but even then she could wake up.

Urrmm. I could . . . . no, there was no other way i could think of to move her into the crib so I could go get changed.

I twisted myself round so i could hold her out passing my one arm around her and the other under her head. She started to riggle slightly so I had to be quicker but extemely careful. I began to bring her over to my chest as i started standing up and walked over to the crib by the end of the sofa. I leant over the edge and found a little pink elephant she'd been playing with from Jennifer. I laid both of them side by side as Bee riggled more towards the centre from where i originally placed her.

Mission Accomplished!!!

After about 15 minuts Lyn-z and I were read to go. We both shoved a load of stuff Mikey would need in my green duffel bag then discussing that we really should just have a bag ready for times like this.

Lyn-z went out to the car first with Bandit putting her into her car seat. Followed by me with the duffel and the carry cott.

We drove for about 40 minuts to get to Mikeys. I could see he was excited being an uncle and having her over for a few hours. He said Alicia was out but would be back soon. I could tell Lyn-z was a little nervous about leaving Bandit here with just Mikey.

He went off to get something; a 'suprise' he'd called it.

"I think we should wait till Alicia gets back." she said, concerned to leave her for the first time.

I was anxious too, leaving Bee all alone for a few hours but the difference was, i couldn't let Lyn-z know how i felt or she'd freak and demand we either took Bee with us or we didn't go anywhere at all.

"Babe, trust me. She will be fine! Mikey won't take her eye off of her the whole time." I said reassuring the both of us but we knew I was right because for the whole of the BBQ he'd be watching over her.

She gave a half-hearted smile in return.

Mikey walked in again. He had something he was keeping behind his back hiding it from us. We bought Bandit through in her car seat and sat it down on the floor next to our feet where we stood loitering by the front door. he crouched down to it, eyes opened wide and smile so big it was filling the room. That definately reassured Lyn-z.

He pulled the gift from behing his back.

"Look Bee," he said continueing that smile "Uncle Mikey has a present for you!"

Lyn-z and I played along, "Wow Bee!", "isn't that nice" we said.

It was a small, black, fleece blaket that he'd specially odered. It had two sides, one that said 'I Love My Chemical Romance' and the other said 'I Love Mindless Self Indulgence'.

It was pretty awesome but now we had to fight over which side faced up.

"Thanks Mikes!" Lyn-z said with a simple smile growing on her face.

"No problem! I'll do anything for my little neice!" he said with a smile.

"Thanks for baby-sitting bro" I then turned to Lyn-z and said, "c'mon babe, we should probably head over now."

"ye course." she said crouching down kissing Bee. I did the same and then 'bleep'ed her on the nose again.

Lyn-z gave Mikey a crash course in her new class; 'Bandit 101!' and then we left.

As we pulled away we watched Mikey pick Bee up and wave to us through the door frame. Then we saw Alicia's car coming up behind us and park over on the drive.

We made it to the restaurant in the middle of town in almost 20 minets. We walked hand in hand as we arrived.

"Table for two under the name Way, please."

"Ah yes, if you'd like to follow me please and i'll show you to your table Mr and Mrs Way." a french waiter said as he lead us through to a table underneath a beautiful stained glass window.

He pulled both our seats out and supplied us with menus as we sat down.

"Wine?" he asked, "or perhaps, Champagne?"

"Champagne please" Lyn-z answered in a sweet voice.

"Any specifics?" he replied.

"Surprise us" i said.

He left us with the menus to go and fetch the champagne.

"Happy anniversary!" i said

"Happy aniversary Ge!" came back.

I took her hands from the velvet menu dropping it down flat on the table. She slotted her fingers inbetween mine. I could smell her sweet perfume as i drew her in closer resting our hands in the centre of the table surrounding a flickering candle light.

"How does a heart like yours, ever love a heart like mine?" i asked with the simplest of voice soft and calm.

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