The walls of a prison.

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A/n: I know this episode was shot a while ago, but for the purposes of the story I'm writing about it. Also names of inmates and workers of the prison are mentioned as from the episode of Ghost Adventures. Just a reminder that I do not have any connections to the Ghost adventures crew, their members or anyone associated with them.

Montana State Prison, I stood outside the hire car and looked up at the prison. It's intimidating walls and tall towers seemed seep a depressive feel from it. I narrowed my eyes at the high wall that surrounded the prison with 6 medieval like towers, it also held a sally port for vehicles, and a small portal for people. Each wall stood at 20+ feet high, and were 3-4 feet thick. The wall was constructed from locally quarried sandstone and build by the prisoners themselves. It didn't look like a wall to hold in prisoners, it looked like a wall built for battle.

"You okay?" Zak spoke pulling me from my glare at the prison.

"Hmm.. Yeah. Sorry." I shook myself and pulled out a notepad and pen.

"When will you use the digital recorder I got you? It's so much easier." He asked amused.

"Maybe when my pen runs out?" I smiled and pulled the recorder out. "I like to do both... In case I miss anything."

Zak gave a small smile before pulling on his black beanie "How do I look?"


"That's what I was going for." He answered.

"Nailed it." I replied and looked for Aaron who was fiddling around with his camera. I turned hearing a car pull up and smiled seeing Billy, Jay & Ash hop out.

"Ah you guys made it!" I smiled walking over.

"Yeah, flight delays suck." Billy answered shaking his head.

"That's why we road tripped!" Zak laughed.

"Yeah and how Aaron nearly got himself killed." I muttered.

I felt a presence behind me and was engulfed in a set of arms "Speak of the devil."

"I'm okay, little sore but my nurse here has got pain killers and water for me. Isn't that right Ri?" He asked.

I nodded "You need to keep up with them as well, as soon as you miss your quarterly dose it's back to square one... Not on my watch." I answered.

After a chat we were all ready to head into the prison together. I had a list of interviewees and a list of questions that I planned to hand to them. If there were questions they would rather not answer or be asked they could mark them.

To me it saved on the awkwardness in an interview, they needed to run smoothly. The smoothly they ran the more open they felt and the viewers felt connection. It's a hard balance at times, but a difficult interview will pull viewers away from what is actually being asked and will be focused on the atmosphere. Both are good in a way.. only at certain times.

I went ahead of the crew with a pen in my hair to find the acting curator Melanie Sanchez who was just inside the sand stone wall awaiting our arrival. After pleasantries we approached the red brick prison, with the long but thin windows with black iron bars to stop inmates escaping.

We entered the prison and slowly made our way around as Melanie showed us key areas of the prison. Each one she took us through the daily activities of which an inmate would go through.

The 1912 Cell block was three tiers high, the walls were a white and each door was a a heavy black iron, I could almost image the sound of the doors closing behind you as you went into your cell each night. I shuddered and looked up to see the top floor, knowing Zak he looked a bit curious. Time would tell if he would be alright with being that high up. Normally 3rd floor was as high as he would go.. Even in hotels.

They began conducting the interview with Melanie, giving me to mark down key points, dates and inmates names if and when they came up.

"Can I go up there?" Zak asked referring to the stair doors which no visitors were allowed up.

Melanie said yes and the smirk came across Zak's face as he looked at Aaron's camera and back to me. I gave a small smile and kept quiet. I waited below as they climbed the stairs and began to speak about feeling vertigo. Zak looked over the rails leaning on them slightly when anxiety built in my body. Seeing my face he went back giving me a chance to breath.

If he so much as slipped or something pushed him, he'd be dead and so would I from trying to catch the heavy lump. I made a mental note also a hand written one to warn him about staying a good distance from the railings. I didn't want to have to ring his mom if there was an accident. Just to be safe then sorry I scaled up the stairs and took a peep into the cells only to shoot back and almost go over the railings myself.

"Whoa what's wrong?" Zak whispered.

"I- I shouldn't have came up here." I stuttered and made my way back down. Of all the cells only one had caught my attention, that cell had been covered in drawings of demons...

After a run through of questions with Melanie and some information we moved on to the mess hall. For some reason in my mind I expected Plastic tables and chairs, I guess that's the more modern look of a prison, but this prison was old and it came with old school furniture. The tables were a dark wood and the benches were also the same wood, almost a walnut. Each of the tables were one sided and reminded me of church pews, a large sign hung from the ceiling.

Take all you want. Eat all you take.


"Surprised me.. I presumed they would be on small amounts of food for a prison that was overcrowded." I said quietly to Ashley who was taking photos.

"I thought the same." She replied before lifting her camera to get another few shots.

We moved onto the prison chapel, to me it didn't represent anything chapel like. Wooden tongue and groove supported the back wall where a large white cross hung, there was a piano, 3 metal benches acting as pews and a stand for whoever took the sermons.

I noticed a black chalk board and wondered if they studied the bible as well. I looked over my shoulder, a statue caught my eye and led me away from the group. A stone carved angel hung from a cross bowing its head to the side. The longer I looked at it the more I thought it was going to cry blood. My chest began to heave at the sight of the angel, after everything that I had been through the past month or so... It seemed impossible for such creatures to exist.

"Maria?" Zak placed his hand on my shoulder startling me.

"Sorry... Hey are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"You're crying.." He answered.

I wiped my face and waved it off as nothing, but as we left the chapel I couldn't help watch in case my presence really did make an angel weep...

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now