A pure soul.

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I watched Gracie as I drove to the park, poking her nose out the window getting some air with her ears bouncing away.

I reached over and petted her gently making her like my hand. I smiled and turned off heading the doggy park.

After a dog around in the trunk I found her frisbee. It didn't stay on my hand as she snatched it and ran away with it making me roll my eyes and laugh at her excitement of being outside.

The dog park was fairly quiet, it was a week day and I guess a lot of people were in work, I admit I was kind of glad, I wanted to spend time with Gracie not having to fight the frisbee off another dog because it's caught it instead of Gracie.

"You want me to throw it baby girl?" I asked as she threw it to my feet and ran away.

I picked it up to find her sniffing and walking around at the new scents. So I walked behind her doing a lap of the park to clear the negativity from my head.

It felt like every time I stopped the wonderful Tasha popped into my mind. It only made me angry when it happened and I wanted to go back and kick her out of my house and bed.

I wanted to kick his ass for replacing me when he said he wanted to keep me safe. He was clearly lying if he's been cozying up with her whilst I've been at Aaron's!

Gracie hit against my leg pulling me from my mental torture system. She barked and wagged her tail looking at me, smiling I tossed the frisbee across the park letting her chase after it.

I clapped when she caught it and encouraged her to bring it back. Sure enough she did and dropped it to my feet waiting to go again.

"Good girl Gracie!" I cooed at her.

We kept going until 40 minutes later she sat in the shade panting heavily. I went and sat with her. She rolled over waiting for a belly scratch and with those excellent catches I complied and gave her a good scratch and belly rub.

Her good nature and pure soul made me relax. After a whole week of feeling like I was walking around with the light off she was like a light. A light of safety, familiarity and home. Gracie was a cool breeze on a hot day.

I leant forward and kissed her head and watched as she put her head on my leg.

"Did you miss me?" I asked and smiled seeing her tail wag slight.

Most likely had no idea what I said but I wanted her to miss me a little to know that I wasn't a complete mistake to Zak..

"I miss you." I whispered and blinked hard looking away.

I found a lot of things hard in this break up;

-rolling over on a couch there was little room to do that
-sleeping beside Zak in his arms feeling like its the safest place on earth despite what has happened.
-Having nobody near me when the nightmares started, I had to wake up alone.
- No late night chats about rubbish
- no early morning snuggles
- No wanting touch
- No lips to kiss or body to hold.
- Not being able to see the little lady I had grown to love so much that it hurt me all over again.

It made me so angry to see that Zak had ignored her basic needs. He wasn't an idiot and understood she needed access outside for the toilet. As well as constant water checks in the heat!

But this new woman... Tasha. She needed to know that Gracie needed love in the mornings. She needed a lot of things.

I looked at Gracie and decided I would write her a letter.

That's what I'll do. I'll write a letter to the next lady that takes my place. If it is this Tasha.

After chilling in the park we headed towards the ice cream man as promised. A twinge in my heart pulled as the last time I was here it was 3 ice teams instead of 2. I watched Gracie sit patiently for hers as the ice cream man stuck two doggy treats in the top and smiled at us.

"That's for the excellent behaviour." He grinned as I paid and took them.

Thanking him, I found a quiet spot in the park and settled down with Gracie. I held it out and she bit it. The whole of it. The whole top was gone around her mouth in an instant making me laugh as she flicked ice cream everywhere with her tongue.

"You messy pup!" I giggled.

After ice cream and me giving her chops a little clean up we headed back to Aaron's. I had a letter to write and Gracie could enjoy the pool.

We arrived and I hopped out and let Gracie out before entering Aaron's house. Being on familiar ground Gracie bolted in to find Aaron who should be up by now.

"GRACIEEEE!" He sang making her back and howl at him.

I followed the howl and found them both in the garden, Aaron was in the pool and before I could say another word Gracie was in.

She belly flopped in and paddled her way to Aaron who grabbed onto her and held her up. She returned the favour by placing her paws on his shoulder and tried to give him kisses. He snuffled and snorted making her get excited.

I laughed and found a pen and paper as well as an envelope before sitting down at the patio set.

"Zak rang." Aaron said as Gracie pushed off him and began swimming towards a tennis ball.

"Uh huh."

"Said you walked in and took Gracie."

"I did. He was neglecting her needs. So I took her."

"He said he was sorry about that."

"Huh. More like sorry I caught him with his new bit of tail." I replied.

"He had some chick over?" Aaron asked leaning on the edge of the pool.

"Oh yes. Too busy fucking to remember he has a dog that needs access to the garden to go to the toilet, or that she needs water.

"When has she got to go back?" Aaron asked.

"Tomorrow. I'm dropping her at his moms."

"So we have little miss Bagans tonight?" Aaron asked making me nod and smile.

"Yay! Gracie is here for a sleep over! Ooowwwwwwww." Aaron howled setting her off again before she jumped back into the pool towards him.

I smiled watching them play in the pool before putting pen to paper...

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