To be in it with you.

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I had spent the last 4 hours rolling the bed with cramps. I was trying my hardest not to wake up Aaron who was sound asleep. I had woke him once from getting up and changing. He tried to comfort me but once he was back to sleep I had to get up again.

Pacing the room in the dark, I sat on the couch and rocked myself holding my stomach, wondering how women even coped when this happened... Two weeks pregnant and I felt like I was dying. Not to mention the amount of blood.

Looking at Aaron I vowed not to wake him up again. Using the hotel stationery I scribbled him a note and pulled on some shoes and a coat. I needed to find a store. I needed supplies... Lots. Leaving the note on the nightstand I crept out the room.

I made my way to the lift and pushed the button for it to ping open revealing Zak.

"Maria? Where are you going?"

"Where have you been?" I asked back.

"I can't sleep... I went for a walk. Where are you going?" He asked again.

"I need to get some... some things." I replied looking away from him.

"Sanitary products?" He asked. I nodded embarrassed.

"Come on then. I'll come with you." He stepped out and wrapped his arm around my back bringing me into the lift.

"Y-you don't have to. I'm fine. You should probably get some sleep you have lockdown tomorrow? Today? Tonight? What's the time?" I asked him.

He looked down at his watch and back at me "It's 2.45am."

"Oh." I began chewing my lip wondering what stores would even be open at this hour. My luck it will be none!

"I'll drive out of town to find you what you need.. Don't worry." Zak spoke making me look up at him.

"Thank you."

An awkward silence filled the lift as we took it down and exited the hotel to get into the hire car. Gentlemanly, Zak opened my car door and waited for me to get in, as I did he reached for my seatbelt when I pulled it from him.

"Please! Please just let me. Just be normal. I need normality." I said looking at him.

"Fine.. Shut the car door yourself." He replied. I was about to apologise when he smiled and closed it for me I watched as he tried to do a hood slide and caught his hip making me laugh. With a limp he got in and rubbed his hip hissing.

"That was stupid." I laughed.

"You wanted normality.." He grinned and started the car.

We drove along in silence when I felt eyes on me, looking over at Zak he had his fixed to the road in concentration.

"Say it." I demanded almost growling my way through a cramp.

"Promise you won't get mad?" He asked.

"Promise you won't get mad?" He asked

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The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now