Feel it in the waters...

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I felt like a teenager creeping out of Zak's room and running back into mine in the morning. I had slept in with him and from what I could tell.. He got a fantastic nights sleep. It was just me who had an arm over the face or a leg thrown over me.

Each time I held back a giggle and moved him gently. He was exhausted from lack of sleep so I could hardly chide him for getting some decent napping in. I'd have tonight, where as he would be on lockdown.

Dumping my clothes into my case, I found clothes to wear today when my phone pinged. Walking over I looked at the text to see Zak's name.

I left him asleep...

Zak} You left me before I could say Good morning. Can't find my top or boxers so I'm guessing you've got them.. Just a pair of panties left? They are lovely but not my size. Z x

I chuckled looking down at said top and boxers on me. Yes, I had them both indeed.

Maria} Well aren't you a lucky duck? I'm sure you'll fit in them if you try ;-P. Plus you were asleep when I left. Xx

I took a shower and got myself ready knowing today was interview day. Interview day was all hands on deck and very, very busy!

When Aaron knocked I was ready and joined him instantly. "Is Zak awake yet?" He asked as we walked towards his room.


"So you two back on?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I'm not moving out.. Not yet. Is that okay?" I asked worried Aaron would now expect me to move back in with Zak.

I wasn't quiet ready for that incase something went bad again. I just wanted to give Zak time to get used to the idea.

"Of course it's fine, you know you are welcome at mine any time."

"You're a star, thank you." I sighed with relief.

We went down for breakfast and soon saddled up ready to head out when I was pulled back by Zak.

"Everything okay?" I asked looking at his face. The bags had gone from under his eyes making me smile at the fact he got sleep and he looked better for it.

"No. Not really."

"What's up?"

"I don't want you going in this location..."

I frowned and waited for him to explain "It feels really dark, really heavy and you're not wearing anything because..."

He looped up his medallion that I had put on him last night as he slept. "You're unprotected."

"That's how I got pregnant." I joked but he didn't see the funny side.. I thought it was quiet good.

"I know you always love having a nose around at locations but please.. Not this one."

"But I wan-"


I let out a whine pushing my bottom lip out at him but he refused to budge on the idea.

"Spoil sport." I huffed walking out with him.

"Protective, I think." He answered holding my hand.

He pulled me back slightly to stand behind him at the road. I couldn't work out what he was doing, and then I realised what he was up to.

Over protecting me.

He made sure he put himself in between myself and a car just in case anything happened and opened my car door.



"Stop it."

"I can't help it." He replied as I put my belt on.

"Try to.. Kiss?" I asked scrunching my face. As he leant in to give me a kiss I stuck my tongue out licking him instead. Appalled he moved away making me laugh "You're so gross sometimes." He moaned wiping his face.

"Love you too!" I sang as he headed to the other car.

"Hey mumma!" Ash grinned sitting in the drivers seat.


"Let's go, belt on?"

"Yes ma'am."

We headed off and beeped passing the boys as they still played around with Go Pros. Whilst myself and Ash were in a conversation about shots she wanted my phone pinged.

Zak} Do not go in that location Maria. I will be Very angry with you. Z x

Maria} Race you there.. ;-) x

Just to stop him stressing out we swung by Starbucks and grabbed the usual order without the guys knowing. By the time we reached the location, the reenactments were happening and the guys were talking equipment.

"Where the hell?" Zak asked walking over.

"Starbucks." I answered slurping my straw. Zak pinched it making my drink stop.

"I almost made the car fly to this location thinking you'd disobey me and go inside."

"Ye have little faith." I responded.

"Hmm wonder why." He narrowed his eyes and leant in to give me a kiss when Aaron and Billy noticed I had got a Starbucks.

Cats to catnip!

I was mauled until they had their drinks and were sitting quietly waiting for the reenactments to finish off.

"Does Aaron know? About us?" Zak asked quietly.

"Uh huh. He's happy." I replied leaning against Zak.


"You look a lot better after some sleep." I acknowledged.

"That's all because of you. I come sleep with you tomorrow morning?" He asked.

I nodded "I guess." I replied rolling my eyes teasing him.

"Thank you." He smiled nuzzling into my neck.

As we waited I began making my piles of paperwork when Zak placed a pile down.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Well I've done my interview with the major." He smiled.

"What? When?" I asked looking around. I hadn't been doing paperwork that long... Have I?

"When you got coffee, he was here waiting. I got Aaron rolling straight away." He replied casually.

"Hey Zak?" Aaron called over making us both look up to see a truck with three city workers in.

"And these three thought they were gonna cut and run on interviews. They will only do it anonymously so we don't have to do forms for them." He shrugged. I nodded and looked at the next set of interviews as Zak set off towards the city workers.

I could feel that this lockdown wasn't going to be a good one. Not if three guys had previously refused to talk.

They were scared, which meant there was something here to be afraid of.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now