The cracked butterfly.

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I love this chapter title....

Zak POV-

"ARGH! RING HER AGAIN!" I fumed at Aaron as he shook his head looking at his phone. We had been trying to contact Maria for the last two hours. I had a show producer so far up my ass, that if I coughed... He was coming up.

Giving me a sigh Aaron placed the phone back by his ear and tried again. We couldn't do without her, I needed her to be on hand after inviting William Porter to investigate with us tonight. I needed to have her with us tonight.

I wouldn't allow Maria to take part in the investigation itself but it was all hands on deck and she was nowhere to be found.

"Voicemail." Aaron answered pulling the phone away and trying again for what was beginning to feel like the 100th time.

"DAMN IT!" I yelled punching the brick work of the hotel lobby. Anger coursed in my veins and I decided to phone her myself. If Maria wanted to play games then I was going to end them, Fast.

Hearing the dialling tone I pushed the phone against my ear and waited. Every single ring wound me up further until I hit her voicemail, turning my back from the crew I let loose on her voicemail.

"Where the fuck are you?! I have Dan so far up my ass that if I eat, he's getting fed! You are going to get us both fired with your childish games Maria! Now I'm not playing! You either ring me or get back to this hotel within 10 minutes or you are fired! Do you understand?!" I shouted before hanging up the phone.

I turned to see Aaron looking at me like I had kicked a puppy. "She's becoming unreliable. So don't give me that look." I spat.

"Bro you need to calm down.." Billy spoke looking up from his phone.

"Go back to playing Pokémon." I snapped.

"Right... You want to take it out on someone then go ahead. Have at it Zak, but whatever you do and threaten Ria with will not bring her back to you. From what you just told us earlier, losing her job is the last thing she cares about. Because the only thing she cares about is you! She loves you! and I think you still love her deep down but you won't let her back in and you know why?"

"Back it down Billy."

"You won't let her back in because you're afraid she's going to hate who you've become. You're nasty, moody and demanding. We all work our asses off for you but since you two have split... You're a nightmare. I love you all like brothers but you're pushing the people who care and love you away for some two dollar hooker you probably picked up from the strip.. In my eyes? You've fallen and now you realise Maria is way out of your league." Billy finished before pushing the info pack into my chest and walking away.

I looked at Aaron who shook his head and sat down on a bench not far from the hotel.

"Billy?! Where are you going?!" I yelled to him.

"TO FIND HER!" He shouted back.

I wanted to scream with anger as the our crew had been divided in seconds. Each one of them were siding with Maria, she was the one who ran off!

"Finished?" Aaron asked making me look over to him.


"The self pity moment you were just having. Why does everyone think it is my fault me me me."

"Aaron. Please do not start." I sighed pinching my nose.

He shook his head and stood up "No I think I do. Because you have no idea the damage you cause. I told you to leave her alone Zak. I told you from day one not to hurt her and to let her down gently but you let your dick rul-"

"I loved her."

"Loved. Loved! You shouldn't have had her in your room last night in next to nothing! Before you try and deny it, she came back into the room with her top on inside out so don't make out she didn't sleep in her underwear... If that."

I looked away from him angry "I haven't got time for this. We need to be on the road, we should be filming."

"You don't think we all know that? You don't think Maria knows that? She loves this job Zak and you've seen how involved and how engrossed she is in it. This isn't Maria having a sulk, something has happened and if you 'Loved' her like you said you did. You would have realised that." He bit and sat back down.

"W-What do you mean? Something has happened? How? Why would it have happened?" I asked looking to him for answers.

"She hasn't been eating. She hasn't in over a week. When she does I hear her throwing it up in the toilet moments later. At first I thought maybe a bug, maybe exhaustion, even pregnant. But she's been so moody and angry in this last week I'm presuming she's had a period."

I sank to the seat next to him and looked at Aaron as worry filled his face "Why didn't you tell me this? She was out running yes-"

"I know. She's putting out energy but nothing is going in and I'm seriously worried. I thought maybe it could be stress, you know with everything that's happened. Cause bro she worships you.. Looks at you like it's the first thing she has ever seen. She feeds off you. But when you left her at my house, broken she went into her shell. A shell I haven't seen in so long."

"I didn't know.."

"No you won't because you are too busy looking after yourself. Tasha Zak? Really? Rebound or is this love as well?" He asked angrily.

"It's not love... It's just se-"

"Just sex. Yeah I get it. You get lonely and fancy some company, so you find a lady and fuck her. Whilst Maria still pines after you."

"She has moved on from m-"

"Says who?" He interrupted. "Because she speaks to some dude whilst out running she's moved on? Get the fuck out of here. You speak to thousands of women. You're sleeping with one!"

"But we've been okay I mean... We have got on okay." I replied thinking over the last day.

"Have you? Because she cries in her sleep, holds a pillow like it's going to leave her and came back into the room after spending the night with you and spent 20 minutes in the shower crying. She is far from okay but you believe what you want. You make everything okay in that mind of yours so that you sleep easy at night. Fuck the rest of us right?" He asked.

"Aaron it's not like that."

"Of course it isn't.." He answered getting up and walking in the opposite direction as Billy had gone.


"I gotta find her dude. If she's in some gutter right now. I'll never forgive myself." He answered before putting his head down and walking away fast. I sat alone outside the hotel looking at the muffin that hit my head... Her breakfast.

I pushed my hand into my jacket pocket and pulled out the promise ring I gave her... I've made such a mess. Pulling out my phone I found her number and rang it, yet again it hit voicemail.

"Maria...It's me. I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it. Please... Could you just let me know you are okay? I'm worried about you.... Call me when you get this." I hung up and tapped the phone against my mouth.

I had to find her.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now