Night time worrier

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I rolled over looking up at the pitch black ceiling and sighed.

I couldn't sleep... Not if my life depended on it after what Aaron had said.

The room seemed too dark, then it was too light, the pillows were uncomfortable. Zak was breathing too loudly. Then it was cold, then too hot. Then Zak sounded like he had stopped breathing.. So I had to turn on the light and prod him with my finger in the side of his cheek until he groaned and rolled over.

Nothing was right because I was angry and upset at myself for letting him feel like that. It had never occurred to me that Aaron would feel rejected. I mean sure we hadn't spent much time together since Zak and myself have been in a relationship. But if I'm not working (which is with them both) then I'm at home with Zak getting downtime.

I guess this was ass biting of mixing business with pleasure...

Aaron hadn't said much at dinner, simply ploughed through food, did a few snapchats, and then once we had all finished headed out for a walk until the early hours. His usual routine whilst away and sometimes whilst he was home.

I rolled over to face Zak who opened his eyes tiredly. "Babe settle... He didn't mean it like that."

Biting my lip to stop myself from speaking I nodded and looked away.

"Hey.. Speak to me." He whispered taking my hand gently.

"Just go to sleep. I'll talk to you in the morning." I whispered kissing the back of his hand.

He shook his head "And have you here awake all night? No, we need to talk now.." He let go of my hand to stretch himself and took my hand again "Fire away."

I smiled grateful at having such an understanding boyfriend as he was... Although I hated the term 'Boyfriend'. There was certainly nothing 'Boy' about him. He was all man!

"He did mean it. Didn't he?" I asked playing with his fingers.


My brows pulled together as I concentrated on his rings "Am I a bad person? A bad friend?" I asked.

"No, I don't think you are at all.. We both know Aaron adores you and I think sometimes he gets bored and lonely without your company, you two were like two peas in a pod. Inseperable at one point but things have changed. We are together now."

"And I've shoved him away.." I mumbled.

"You haven't shoved him away. We've been so wrapped up in our little lives to really see what's been happening. Take last time we were here? Who were you with?"

"Aaron, but I ended up in with you because... Well because of everything that happened." I replied.

"What happened... It was a big thing."

I nodded feeling sicked slightly at the memory.

"Aaron is a big guy Ri. He's old enough to come over and hang out... You've felt pushed out, haven't you when he's had women over?"


"Stop feeling bad for living your life. With me. You see Aaron all the time whilst we are away and if it means that much to him then he's welcome over at any time. He knows that. And if he just wants to hang out with you..."

I frowned and twisted his rings a little more "We're not joint at the hip Maria..." He spoke obviously sensing my discomfort.

"I know.. But I feel safe with you." I mumbled.

"Aaron would never let any harm come to you. You know that."

I sighed and looked at the moonlight across the ceiling.

"Besides I think time apart would be good for us." Zak added making my head snap to his voice. "Not quiet like that, I meant as in having time alone."

"Do I annoy you?" I asked worried.

"No, of course not. But we argue quiet often, there's no denying that-"

"That shows that we-"

"We care about each other yes." Zak finished "But sometimes I don't want to have to go to war with you. I just wanna be with you." He answered making think of all the times that we have argued.

Maybe he just wanted time alone? That's a hint, he wants time alone and not have to spend every waking moment with me.

"Same." I mumbled letting my inner voice fill my head.

"So maybe you should hang out with Aaron a little more? Once a week or maybe more?"

Eager to get rid of me now...

"Yeah, I'll speak to him." I muttered and shut down the conversation before rolled over facing the wall.

How long have I been smothering him for?

Is that the real reason he hides away on the office? So that he gets time alone?

Am I that annoying?!

I had one man wanting to spend time with me and another wanting time away from me...

The answer was simple, start spending time with Aaron to give Zak a break.

But I felt a little hurt that one Aaron hadn't said anything sooner and decided to say something by muttering it..

Two: For not doing more himself! How am I suppose to know there's a problem if he doesn't tell me.

Three: Zak should have said something. Sooner.

It wasn't that I wanted to be a bunny boiler or a control freak. But I love his company and want to spend every moment with him.  Zak has an aura that.. That makes me feel safe, I feel love, warmth and comfort.

Zak's hand rested gently on my hip as he fell back to sleep leaving me time to think about tomorrow.

I settled down going into thinking and sleep mode when my phone buzzed. Realising the time I knew it had to be important so I grabbed it and checked to see an unknown number.

-Maria. We need to talk. It's important. Nick.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now