This is a blessing

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"Woah, woah. I got that." Zak spoke taking the cases from my hand as I pulled them to the car.

"Really? We're gonna do this?" I asked as he put them in the trunk.

"You... You go sit in the front, got a pillow? Blanket yeah?" He asked looking around for it.

"Zak.. Stop."

"It's late at night." He argued pointing to the sky.

"So this has nothing to do with me being pregnant.. As to why I can't lift a case?"

"No.... Maybe. Look just leave it to me, I can handle all this. You're doing enough already." He smiled looking at me.

"Are you really happy?" I asked as he held my face in his hands.

"Of course. Why would you think otherwise?"

"Oh I don't know.. Zak 'I hate kids' Bagans."

"I never said I hated kids. I said that I don't want any of my own..."

"And now?" I asked.

"Now is different, I feel that this is a blessing."

"But you'd say something wouldn't you? If you were unhappy? I don't want to see you unhappy Zak. Not because of me."

"Sweetie the only thing I'm feeling now is the greatest urge to carry you back indoors and to the bedroom.. I'm sure Carmel would still be there after a few hours of earth shaking sex but you will be extremely tired and we both want to go to Carmel.. Do we not?"

I nodded excitedly.

"Then get a blanket and a pillow.. Like I said, you're sleeping on the way." He smiled kissing my forehead before turning back to the trunk to put another bag in.

I followed his orders and grabbed a blanket and pillow before setting myself up in the front of his car. With Gracie in the back and Zak pinpointing stopping points for her to go to the toilet we set off.

"I'm excited." I smiled as we left the community.

"So am I."

"This is our first holiday together... Did you know that?" I asked making him smile.

"I absolutely did. That's why I've gone all out with this place. I want it to be somewhere you remember for years to come. Although I have a feeling we will be back before we've even got there." He replied.

We had both sat up one night looking for locations when I stumbled upon Carmel By The Sea. After a search of photos and videos I had fallen in love. Originally wanting to move there, but Zak said we only appreciated the beauty because we didn't see it every day. I guess he was right, the novelty would wear off eventually.

But it was a nice thought and a beautiful place to raise a child. On the coast with the beach on the doorstep.
I sighed happily and rubbed my belly hoping one day to have a small bump.

"You're gonna be the hottest mum at prenatal classes." Zak smiled with his eyes on the road.

"You never know. I might not be as lucky as Tilly with a glowing aura. I might get the bad side of pregnancy." I warned him.

"With our genes? Your pregnancy is gonna be a breeze. Our baby is gonna be gorgeous and were gonna smash parenting classes."

"You seriously want to go to them?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, why... Don't you?" He asked unsure.

"N-no I don't mind. Actually I would rather go to them just to prepare myself, but with work and being aw-"

"5 months.. That's all we have left."

"I know." I smiled.

"So we give it what? One more lockdown?" He asked making me look at him.

"You what?"

"Well.. I don't want you getting stressed out." He answered.

"Then I won't.. I don't want to stop work, not yet. I'll be more stressed at home alone than I will when I'm with you."

"That's true." He nodded.

I looked over my shoulder to see Gracie curled up asleep on the chairs with her prize pink bone.

"How do you think she will be?" He asked.

"With the baby?" I asked Zak making him nod. "Oh she will be incredible. Pure soul that one. I will expect you will have a very over protective dog."

"Like I don't already.." He smiled as he kept his eyes on the road.

I was listening to the music losing myself in the soft octaves of the singer when Zak spoke up again.

"We should Skype your mom and dad.. He's gonna kill he." He whispered.

"What? No he won't. Zak he adores you, you know that."

"Hmm.. Not when he finds out his baby is having a baby.... Ignore me I'm just nervous that's all."

I half smiled and placed my hand on his thigh "You made the best impression when we went over there. I think you'll be okay."

"We should go see them. Maybe Skype is too informal? Should we fly over? Announce it in person? I mean.. We having got to be here three weeks? I could always cut it short for 2 and we could go to England for a week? See your mom and dad and te-"

"Sweetie.  Skype will be fine. Chill out, how's your mom gonna react? I can't wait to see her face." I grinned.

He laughed shaking his head, looking at him curiosity got me. "What?"

"My mom.. Oh I remember when we were at locker heads. You know.. Back when we were mortal enemies? She would keep on and on about you. Maria this, Maria that. Maria is a wonderful woman Zak..."

I smiled "Jealous huh?" I teased.

"You know what it is now? It's still Maria this, Maria that. She loves you like her own. Maybe more than me."

"Oh shut up, your mom adores you and you know it. I just wish t-" I stopped and closed my mouth.

"What? You wish what?"

"Nothing.. It's nothing. How much longer?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Maria..." He looked away from the road to look at me before turning back again.

"I don't want to tell you."

"Why?" He asked taking my hand.

"Incase it upsets you."

"Well now I defin- my gran. Isn't it?" He asked.

I looked at our hands and nodded "She played a big role in your life, I just wish she could see you now.. She'd be so proud of you." I whispered.

He gave me a little smile and squeezed my hand. I knew I had upset him when he kissed my knuckles and blinked rapidly.

"I'm sorry..."

"No. I uh- I'm fine." He answered clearing his throat.

I returned the squeeze of our hands and placed it on my tummy making him smile.

"She's always with us. I can feel her all the time. Even when you told me..." He answered.

"How do you mean?" I asked.

"Something in my mind.. I- I just imagined her smiling and then I knew, I can do this. I can be the dad I always wanted."

"That's because your gran prepared you to be a man."

"I miss her.."

"I know baby. I know." I answered holding his hand tightly.

And if I could bring her back for you I would.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now