Just know we tried

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My mind wouldn't stop reverting back to Zak and the house. I wondered how they were doing, what kind of effect it would have on him and if he would clear it. I had hope and I trusted him but I knew how strong the forces were within the house.

We took a trip down memory lane and swung in to the antiques store I used to work at. It was nice to see Stephen and catch up with him, even if he did complain about me getting skinny. I laughed it off and told him it was the ghost hunting.

I was basically hanging around with Zak's mom for the day as she ran errands. We also threw in shopping as well as some lunch. It was nice to spend some time with a motherly figure as my mom lived in England.

She got the all clear last month..

I spent half of the Skype call crying with joy, Zak ended up sitting with me passing me tissues and talking to my dad who were bosom buddies it would seem. Especially when Zak mentioned his cars.

"You have your doctors appointment today.. Don't you?" Ellen asked.

I nodded "Yep."

"Shall we head over to it now then, you'll only be waiting ten minutes at the most."

"Yeah yeah. Let's get that out the way with." I smiled as we drove across town to it.


The doctors room was a small sterile, I have a curious tendency but not curious enough to watch them pull the rod from my arm. I was laid back on the bed looking at the ceiling when I let out a hard yawn.

"I'm sorry." I laughed.

"It's quiet alright, long night?" He asked.

"Yeah.. We have problems at home, with spirits.."

I was using the same doctor Zak did so he was well up to date with the whole paranormal phases and phrases.

"I see. How much sleep are you getting?"

"When I'm home?"

He nodded. "About 2-4 hours. When we are at work I'm solid for almost 8-10 hours. I could probably sleep more than that but work summons me."

"So on average a week at home and you're only getting 28 hours sleep? That's based on a whole 4 hours."

I worked it out and nodded "Yeah sounds about right."

"Why have you not been for some sleeping tablets?"

"Because they wouldn't work.. I feel okay."

"Can I weigh you?" He asked as he patched my arm up and disposed of the equipment.

I sat up and looked around "I guess.."

"How often do you work out a week?" He asked.

"Home? I'm too exhausted. When I'm away its every day. Running about 5 miles." I replied as I stood on the scales with him beside me writing down my height and weight. After a list of questions of changes to diet blah blah blah blah. He told me that I was extremely under weight.

"So does that mean I'm like anorexic?" I asked.

"No. But I'm worried for the pattern you've taken. You've had dramatic weight loss from the last time you came to see us. I'll be honest with you Maria you don't look very healthy."

"So I look emaciated?"

"No, please I hate that term, what I'm saying is that you need to bring your weight up to a healthy target."


"I'm going to give you a food programme.. It's a list of foods that will help you, power foods." He smiled.


"Also a food diary, there is a small section to write the hours of how much sleep you got." He informed me.

I wasn't that underweight... Was I? I mean, sure my clothes were getting baggy and I hid myself in Zak's hoodies most of the time but I'm not.. That bad.

If I was that underweight someone would have said something to me by now surely?

Even if Aaron was to call me twiggy? Then there's Zak, he's seen my body, he would have noticed.. Would he not?

I left the doctors office with a handful of paperwork a bit miffed with it all.

"Go okay?" Ellen asked putting her phone away.

"I'm underweight.. So much so ive got a food diary." I answered showing her.

"You have lost weight sweetheart but you have been under some stress lately. It could just be that, I wouldn't worry yourself about it too much. Once the house is sorted you'll be back to yourself in no time." She smiled.

I nodded and gave her a smile.


It was the evening when a knock sounded at Ellen's door, she went and answered it when I heard his voice. I jumped out my seat and went to see Zak. He looked exhausted, his eyes met mine and he tried to smile.

"Come on let's get you to bed." I took his side and walked him upstairs to one of the guest rooms.

"I-.. I tried." He mumbled.

"It's okay.. I know you did sweetheart." I answered putting him on the bed, he sat up shaking his head.

"I need to fi-"

"Zak you stay on that bed." I demanded pulling off his shoes, belt and jeans. He tried to take his top off but ended up with it sat around his neck. I took it off him and put it on the chair.

"Stay." He begged holding my hand.

"Of course I will. Lay down for me then." I signed.

I sat beside him and had him wrap his arms over me holding my legs.

"I tried.. I tried to-"

"Shh." I hushed and sent him to sleep by playing with his hair gently.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now