Elements of water

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I got back to the house and found that nobody was home. I presumed Zak had gone to his moms to get Gracie. I was stood by the front door waiting for the house to put up its resistance to me being there but no noise came.

Letting out a small breath of air I slowly picked up our bags and took them to the utility room to sort the washing and get a load in.

Maybe the house knew the plans for tomorrow? Maybe they knew that we had been pushed to our limits? That staying quiet would help them.. Not for long. With one load of whites in I sorted coloured clothes from the darks and set them aside.

Zak was a bugger for putting things in his pockets so every pair of trousers I can across I checked each pocket and put any bits and bobs in a wooden bowl on the side.

I had change, crumbled notes, earphones and a pen.

He was worse than a child I swear.

I looked at the time and saw it was getting late. Yawning I left the utility room and made my way through the house looking to see if anything was missing.

It all looked okay, until I noticed Zak's cabinet opened...

I swallowed hard and looked around before rushing over and closing it. Inside his cabinet was artefacts he brought back from locations... Some held power, others he kept because he liked them.

All I know is that it shouldn't be open.

I jumped at the sound of a cupboard door slamming from the kitchen.

"I'm not running from you. Not anymore. You're trying to break me. But I'm stronger!" I called out. I waited for a barrage of chaos but it was quiet again.

Maybe I should ring Zak?

No. You can do this Maria. You can do this for him.

I gave myself a mental nod and pat on the back for reassurance before heading off to the bedroom.

I walked into the wardrobe and pulled out some Pjs. With the determination to go to bed or at least relax whilst Zak wasn't here. I had to show him that I could handle this.

And tonight if passion was there then I'm taking it! I won't be celibate in my own bloody house!

I smiled at the satin nightdress and laid it on the bed. Going into the bathroom I turned the shower on, letting the water heat up I took my ring off and placed it on the side in a small elephant ring holder, Zak had picked it up in a shop last time we went to work. It was a cute little thing but held a big part of my heart, that being the promise ring.

I looked at myself in the mirror when petals caught my eyes, turning I saw the bath was filled and red rose petals floated along the water.

Oh bless him..

I put my hand in and felt the water had turned cold. I pulled my hand out and rolled up my sleeve dipping my hand in for the plug. Looking into the water, my fingers got the chain when my eyes picked up my reflection and the reflection of something else...

Fear filled my body but before I could react a pressure landed hard on the back of my head pushing my head into the water.

I tried to lift my head up but there was something or more of someone holding me under. I pushed my hand against the bottom of the bath and grabbed the chain. Ripping it from the plug hole, my lungs burned for a release as I tried to hold my breath as I kept trying to pull myself from the water.

The pressure stopped, I flew back from the tub and onto the floor. I coughed and spluttered looking around the bathroom to see the door slam on me.

I laid there for a while until I caught my breath and my heart rate settled. Getting off the floor tried the door and to my relief it opened.

I let out a small whimper and walked towards my phone. I stopped and thought about it.

This is what they want. They want me to run to Zak, to make him weak with worry.

I stood back from my phone and took my appearance in from the glass door.

I'm stronger than this.. I have to be.

Shaking my hands off I walked back into the bathroom and grabbed some towels drying the floor. After I took a shower and changed into my night dress. I got myself ready for bed and climbed in when I heard the front door open and close.


"Bedroom!" I called.

He walked in and smiled "You're here..."

"I am."


"I'm alone." I smiled.

He smiled and came over cupping my face. "I'm so proud of you. Don't show fear sweetie. We will win this war okay?"

I nodded and got a kiss on the forehead.

"Get your butt in the shower, you stink." I joked making him gasp.

"I do not!"

"Well I've had a shower.... And I was thinking." I looked away biting my lip.

"Oh. Oh really now?"

I nodded "You've got 20 minutes to shower and get back here. Any longer and I'm gonna get tired and I'll get a headach-"

I watched him dart away and into the bathroom. I giggled and sat back into my position on the bed.

"Where's all the towels?!" He called making me freeze.

"I uh.. I moved them to another cupboard. Sorry!" I called.

"Oh! Found some!"

I let out a breath of air and looked at the washing basket filled with them and the soaking wet clothes from the incident earlier.

I've got this.

I can handle this.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now