Stronger together.

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"Just gonna head up and get the office sorted!" Zak called across the garden to me as I threw a ball for Gracie.

"Okay! And then we pack?!" I asked but from the grin on his face that was going to be me packing...

After dinner and a cuddle on the couch, the whole 'Date night' phase was over. I enjoyed spending time with him, even if I did make myself look a fool with the whole 'Friend' moment when we got back.

But at least I understood now, so there would be no problem next time when he says it.

"Give it here then baby girl." I cooed getting the pink bone from Gracie. To Gracie her pink bone was her iPhone. Seeing her face as I held it, I couldn't bring myself to throw it across the garden and settled on handing it back to her.

"You got me over a barrel with those eyes you know." I sighed watching her bounced away with it shaking her head.

I watched her a little while longer before I decided to grab the bull by its horns and pack for our next lockdown. Heading in I paused seeing a large box in the living room, What on earth has he bought now?

"Zak?!" I called and waited. Getting no response I presumed he had earphones in and walked over to the box to see a piece of paper folded on it.

Do not open.

Okay.. Now I'm concerned. I reached for the box then paused.. What if someone has sent him something horrible.. Like a life size clown?

Oh god..

I stepped away from it "Zak?! What's this box about?!"

With no answer I kicked it lightly with my foot but it didn't move. Hmm..

Fuck it.

I grabbed the folds and began opening it.

"BOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" Zak yelled jumping up from inside the box with a clown mask on. I screamed and pushed him instantly out of fear causing him to fall backwards but he grabbed my arms and pulled me down with him.

With a hard crash we both ended up on the floor...

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I screamed hitting his chest.

"Owh! Owh!" He laughed bringing his arms to his chest to defend himself.


"Eww Gross!"

"ARRGHHH!" I screamed and gave up hitting his chest and looked down at his mischevious face.

"Come on.. You know that was funny." He teased.

"I could slap you right now! You know I hate clowns!"

His face faltered "I forgot.."

"You're such an idiot!" I clambered off him and sulked my way to the bedroom with a rather red face, truth me known I was close to tears from that stupid mask... Knowing he would come after me I flicked on the wardrobe light before grabbing a pillow and hiding behind the door.

"Oh Mariaaa!" He sang coming towards the bedroom, I smiled knowing he was walking right into my attack.

That's it monkey boy..

He walked in the bedroom and sighed seeing the wardrobe light on. "I'm sor-" He didn't finished his apology as I belted around the head with a pillow.

"HI YAH! HA!" I laughed but soon gulped when he stood up straight and turned to me.

"M-Mercy?" I laughed nervously.

"ALL OUT!" He yelled and grabbed my hips tickling me hard, I slammed to the floor and writhered across it to try and get away but he kept himself up and simply followed me as I rolled onto my tummy and tried crawling away.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now