Reliant upon the unreliable.

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The next following days included myself and Aaron staying at Zak's house to make sure he was looked after. Although Aaron made it abundantly clear that he was only there for the sake of me and to help out. I scolded him for that but Zak seemed to understand more then any of us that he didn't deserve any kind of help, especially from me.

I slept upstairs in his house, whilst Zak had his room, that used to be our room and Aaron was in the room next to mine. However even upstairs I woke from his shouting and was up at 2am, 3am, 4am even 5am with Zak. His nightmares only stopped whilst I was in the room with him, a part of me did wonder if he was playing on this to keep me at the house, but he had one whilst I was sat beside him one night. At first it was mumbling, then an odd word here and there, sometimes my name and then he woke himself up after yelling out and making me jump.

He was in trouble and only he could relieve himself of that trouble. But no conversation was brought up about what he wanted to speak to me about and I soon noticed his eagerness to speak about any subject other than the one growing in my belly.

This would be where I would develop feelings for him again, I could almost scoff as they never actually disappeared but if they had... They would have came back by now, just being in his presence. This would be the part time mom / part time Maria kicked in and I refused to separate myself like that.

So yesterday I packed my things, whilst Zak was out with Aaron. I also had a little cry... Okay I was sobbing by the end of it as I sat in the wardrobe looking up at his clothes next to mine. It was never suppose to be like this. You don't see this in the films when a woman says she's pregnant, its all tears of joy and happy moments. I just couldn't believe I wasn't getting that.

I took in the house once more and relived all the memories before lugging each bag out to the car and pushing it in the trunk. I would never make breakfast in this house again, I'd never complain at Zak for leaving his shoes in the way. I would never lay on the couch with Zak on top of me watching a film or a documentary. Everything was taking its toll and that's when I got into the car and drove to Aarons crying like an child who lost their favourite toy.


The door to my bedroom opened slowly as Aaron came in with a hot chocolate and placed it down.

"Hey little one. You going to talk to me today?" He asked sitting on the side of the bed.

Hot chocolate... Me and Zak used put little marshmallows on top of ours.. I used to make out they were life buoys in a chocolately sea.

"We got work sweetie.." He reminded me. "You don't have to come with us. But deep down I think you want to."

Work.. How can I work with a man who has every single fibre of me again. I went to England to come back strong, I was. I could do this alone, but after being in his pocket for a few days and caring for him, he sucked the independence out of me and now I felt reliant upon him. I needed to pull myself together for the sake of my baby, I needed to wake up and smell the coffee and know that I had a small network of support around me, just because one link is out. Doesn't mean the rest has fallen.

"Zak is downstairs.. He has been up all night from the state of him. Come down when you are ready." He whispered before leaving my room and closing the door behind him.

I scraped myself up and out of bed. Taking a shower and finding clothes out of my cases I pulled them on and looked at myself.

 Taking a shower and finding clothes out of my cases I pulled them on and looked at myself

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'Glowing'  people would say.. Well today I think they would also be called liars.

I went downstairs and made a beeline for the kitchen trying to avoid both Zak and Aaron. But Zak walked out the kitchen hearing my heels and looked at me.


I nodded and went to slip past him when he took my arm making me stop. I bit the inside of my lip hard to avoid a whimper, I could feel the warmth of his hand through the jacket. I just wanted a hug..

"Please, after everything. Do not ignore me." He spoke. I kept my eyes low and breathing steady before taking his hand off my arm and continuing into the kitchen. I grabbed the crafties box and had it taken out of my hands by Aaron.

"You don't carry anything now." He smiled and headed out into the garage putting it into the trunk.

I picked up an apple for breakfast and headed to the garage when Zak's voice stopped me again.

"You know.. I can cope with Demons, possessions, channeling and attachments. All of I consider bad but one of my passions in life. You're the only good thing in my life that I was also passionate about and I can't stand silence. Hit me, scream at me, call me whatever you want. I deserve it, but please, please! Do not go silent on me. I can't bare it."

I looked at him as he stood at the kitchen island looking at me holding the paperwork which I sorted whilst they filmed.

"I have nothing more left to say or fight with. I'm exhausted of it all. You don't want to be apart of this. It's your loss." I answered calmly before stepping out and getting into the car.

"Woah, who is this yummy mommy?!" Bacon called making me look up and smile.

"Hey Bacon."

"Wow look at you. Gorgeous as ever I see Maria."

"Yeah right." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm for real. How you holding up?" He asked in a quieter tone.

"Is being a dad really that awful?" I asked him in return.

He shook his head "One of the best things in the world. Takes some getting used to though. My boy is a teenager now." He shook his head in disbelief.

"Yeah, I saw your snaps the other day. How is he?"

"Good. Gonna be one for film I think. He's been taking tips of aaron with timelapse videos. In fact, Aaron has been teaching him."

I smiled "He did mention something about that. He's a good kid, he will go far." I replied.

"Let's hope so. I want him to be the best he can be, without pushing him obviously." Bacon added.

I sat back and rubbed my tummy as they all loaded up into the car, once Aaron got in I shuffled across into the seat next to him and put my head on his shoulder. His arm went around me as I yawned and patted my bump.

"You know that baby is gonna expect patting all the time." Aaron whispered making me smile.

"Maybe." I mumbled closing my eyes.

Just as I was falling to sleep I heard Bacon talking. "So why haven't you got the balls to stand by her?" was the words I heard before falling to sleep.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now