Sora (The Beginning)

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A/N:WELP, here it is! Updates won't be TOO frequent, because this is all original content. It will be around 20-25 chapters I imagine, though that is a ROUGH estimate. This is a very busy month for me but I'll do my best C: I'd love to hear what people think!

So, this is a year after Chasing Destiny. I'm going to post an individual "intro" for each boy, then jump into the plot. I PROMISE it will all make sense right after the introductions - I actually have a plot, for once xD;

First up: The Little Brownie~ (who's now 19 in my little world)

♥ Alexia


"I want to put the pieces together - yours and mine"



With a huff and a dramatic sigh, you shake your head to move your bangs from your eyes. It's a particularly slow day, with little to no customers. The ding of the bell hanging from the door rings, breaking through the silence as the glass door opens. You glance up, immediately grinning when two familiar faces walk through.

"Nice apron," Riku notes with a nod and a smirk.

You glance down at the red apron tied around your waist.

"What's wrong with it?" you ask, crossing your arms over your chest as you narrow your eyes at the silverette.

Riku shrugs slightly, the movement causing his hair to partially block his eye-line. He had cut his hair almost immediately after arriving back at Destiny Islands, and had kept it rather short until recently. He claimed that he got sick of short hair, so he decided to grow it out again... but you're convinced he just missed the stares and giggles he gets from the ~ladies~ when his hair is longer.

"Ignore him, he's just grumpy," the brunet beside him teases with a small laugh.

Your smile only grows as Sora hops over the counter, wrapping an arm around your shoulders in a loose hug. He leans down, pressing his lips to yours in a quick kiss. Ever since moving to the Islands, you and Sora had become inseparable. His parents – who are absolutely lovely and have been completely welcoming to you – even got you a job at their coffee shop.

The Island itself is utterly adorable. The entire town is mainly residential, besides the main square that's filled with tiny boutiques, shops, and restaurants. The schools and university sit in a neat row along the beach, with your coffee shop nestled in across the street. During the school year, it makes for a busy job. But during the summer, everyone spends their time hanging out at the small surrounding islands or traveling the worlds, which leaves you with a lot of free time.

And Sora... Words can't even describe how your relationship with him had changed. Without prying eyes and Nobodies trying to kill you, the two of you had settled into a surprisingly comfortable routine. He still lives with his parents as he finishes his GED (since he was dragged away from high school so many years ago), but with you living on their property there's been more nights than you can count where he's snuck into your little apartment for... sleepovers.

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