So This Is Love

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I'm doing things a little differently than planned... I was going to do these long results but they'd all have a similar beginning and middle so it just made more sense to write it this way – as a regular chapter that deviates to individual results at the end.

And I decided to add another chapter after this one to fully set up the epilogue.

So y'all are getting *two* more chapters (including this one) XD


You tighten your grasp on Terra's arm, allowing him to lead you down the staircase one step at a time. Your legs feel like jello and your brain is running on overdrive, but you can't wipe the nervous smile from your face. You can feel the anxious energy radiating off of Terra as well, since he's not exactly one for crowds and attention. The room is beautiful, classically decorated and looking like something out of a fairytale.

 The room is beautiful, classically decorated and looking like something out of a fairytale

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You can feel all eyes on the two of you as you walk down the stairs. The room is filled with so many people you know and love and cherish, and for a moment your world pauses as you allow the warmth to overtake you like a crashing wave. You pause for a moment, your eyes quickly scanning in the crowd to take in the familiar – and unfamiliar – faces.

It looks like every person you've met in the past two years is standing in that room. Aladdin and Genie are mingling with Tarzan (who's wearing a suit, a very strange sight) and Jane near the drinks table, very close to Mulan and Captain Shang (who to your disappointment aren't holding hands or showing any signs of being in a relationship). Rapunzel is forcing Cid to salsa with her while Flynn Rider and Jack Sparrow are giggling together and sneaking a flask of something into the punch. You just barely notice Jack Skellington and Sally swaying to the music before you do a double-take at the sight of Vanitas wearing a black suit.


In a suit.

Talking to Peter Pan like he's normal and not Vanitas in a suit at a party.

"This night is gonna be weird, isn't it?" you ask Terra.

"Oh, definitely," he agrees as he continues to scan the room.

All of the men are wearing perfectly pressed suits while every woman is wearing beautiful gowns of all shapes and sizes. It's an alluring and lovely sight, albeit a little hard to wrap your minds around. Neither of you really thought you'd see anything like this, especially not in your honor.

"Ah, our last two guests have arrived!" a voice booms through the room.

You and Terra exchange quick looks before he glances up, his eyes locked on something just past you. You turn your head, spotting a second staircase on the other side of the room that leads up to a balcony overlooking the party below where King Mickey and Queen Minnie are standing, smiling and watching the two of you.

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