Wonderland [Cloud]

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A/N: I don't really remember the layout of this world so I'm probably very wrong on a lot of stuff. But I'm also not about to replay KH1 to figure it out XD


You stare over at Cloud as he perches atop one of the wooden benches placed at the long kitchen table. His sword is resting over his legs as he wipes it down, since you're waiting to hear which world you'll be sent to. A burning question is currently dancing along the tip of your tongue, and finally you blurt it out.

"How heavy is that thing?"

He pauses before glancing up at you, his face contorted into a confused frown.

"Huh?" he asks.

"Your... your sword. How heavy is it?" you repeat, pointing down to the blade.

He continues to stare at you blankly before he breaks out in a grin and stands to his feet to walk towards you. He extends an arm, holding out his sword to you.

"C'mon," he encourages with a wiggle of his hand.

You can see his muscles straining to keep the sword upright, so with a sigh you reach out and grab it by the hilt. Your knees almost buckle from the weight, and with a wheezing gasp you quickly shove it back into his hand.

"Owwww," you complain, cradling your sore wrist as he chuckles lightly.

"Hey, you asked," he points out just as Axel saunters on over.

"What happened to you?" the redhead asks, staring down at you as you cower slightly in pain.

"Torture," you grumble as the corners of Cloud's lips curl up in a smirk.

"She's being a whiner," he adds as he straps his buster sword to his back.

"Some things never change," Axel muses as he raises a hand and summons a portal.

"Where are we going?" you ask as Cloud heads toward it.

"It's a surprise~" Axel coos.

You don't like the devious smile on his face. With a wary glance at him, you shuffle behind Cloud and into the portal. Darkness swallows you, swirling around you like a vortex as you're sucked inside. Just as it grows uncomfortable, you appear in front of an outdoor courthouse surrounded by large, perfectly trimmed shrubs. Sitting in front of you is a large woman with dark hair and a bulky white, black, and red dress.

"Damn it, Axel," you mutter under your breath, cursing the Nobody.

The last thing you want is to be arrested. Again.

"What blasphemy is this! How do you appear out of the darkness?" the Queen barks, a look of dramatic horror on her face.

"We've been sent here to check on you, Your Highness. Some worlds are beginning to fall. May we check around?" Cloud asks her in a shockingly polite tone.

The Queen studies both of you carefully before she sits back and waves a hand in the air.

"If you must. I do need to be kept safe at all costs," she agrees haughtily.

"Yes ma'am," you concur with a fake smile before giving her a bow.

"How dare you speak to me! Get out of my sight!" she yells after the two of you as you hurry through the clearing and into the woods before she can order your execution.

"God, what a bitch," Cloud notes with a scoff before glancing down at you. "Well, what do you think?"

"Yeah, she's a bitch."

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