Axel's Ending

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Axel's Song: "Tear in my Heart" by TWENTY ØNE PILØTS

"She's the tear in my heart
I'm alive
She's the tear in my heart
I'm on fire
She's the tear in my heart
Take me higher
Than I've ever been



"What time is he gonna be home?"

You pause from your obsessive staring at the teal tea kettle placed over the lit flame on your stove, taking a second to glance over your shoulder at Xion, who's leaning against the kitchen counter as she watches you stare in silence.

"Soon, I think," you tell her as you look at the clock on the wall. "Well, I hope."

"Typical Axel, man of mystery," she laughs, running a hand through her hair as she peers out the window.

You and Axel live in a cozy home near the base of the mountain that's home to the castle in the Land of Departure. All of you who remained here live in this general area, as it's close enough to the castle but with enough distance that you have some privacy from the school. You, Axel, Ven, Terra, Aqua, Xion, Riku, Sora, Roxas, Kairi, and Naminé stayed behind, to help kids throughout the worlds learn how to wield and fight with a Keyblade. It was rewarding work, especially as you were able to assist Aqua in teaching the kids magic.

"Yeah, you're telling me," you agree with a laugh.

Life with Axel now that he has a heart really isn't as different as you worried it would be. The organ didn't change him, and he still remains the earnest, caring, and feisty man you fell in love with so many years ago. The two of you enjoyed a quiet and fun life, and suffered from very few issues, if any.

"Should my ears be burning?" a playful voice calls out, and you break out in a grin as you take the now-whistling kettle off the heat.

"Yes," Xion replies simply, earning a fake glare as Axel looks down at her.

"Only good things," you add as you saunter towards him, throwing your arms around his shoulders in a hug.

You can hear him chuckle as he rests his hands on the sides of your waist, nuzzling his face into your hair. Xion makes a noise of displeasure as she slinks out of the room to leave you two alone, which you barely register as you pull back and look up at the grinning man before you. He's started to grow out his hair and he looks a little older, but he's still just as handsome as he's always been, perhaps more.

"How was the meeting?" you ask him, continuing to hold him close.

"Alright. Terra was whining as usual," Axel complains with a roll of his emerald green eyes.

"Some things never change," you laugh.

Axel merely smiles as he reaches a hand up to gently run his fingers through your hair, playing with the ends as his eyes lock with yours.

"What is it?" you add as he just continues to stare down at you.

"Nothing, nothing," he hums with a shrug. "Sometimes I just can't believe how lucky I am, and that you're really here with me."

You bite back a grin as you give a nod in understanding.

"Axe," you murmur, squeezing his shoulders as you say his name. "Don't be silly. There's nowhere I'd rather be."

"Damn straight," he proudly assents with his signature smirk, any and all insecurities thrown out the window as he watches you smile up at him. "Now, about that dinner..."


"I'm starving!" he complains, squeezing your sides for emphasis as his stomach gives a perfectly timed grumble.

You just give him a blank stare before you sigh and pull away from him to head towards the fridge. You don't make it too far, however, as he gives a tug on your hand to pull you back into his waiting arms. His arms wrap around you, his face swooping down to yours as he gives you a deep kiss. You're only startled for a moment before your lips move against his, your hands rising to cup his face as he tilts his head to deepen the kiss.

Little do you know, Xion's head pokes into the doorway for a brief second before she releases a giggle and hides in the living room again to give the two of you your privacy. She knows all too well that there's a ring tucked away in a box hidden somewhere in your house, just waiting for the right moment to come out and be given to you.

All she can say is, it's about damn time.


Next is Roxy!

Also – please check out my newest series! :3

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