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I CAN'T WAIT dsbdhsbfsbdhabsb <3333

Also this is the last chapter that slightly revolves around Ven. Back to "normal" after this~


You're in the middle of nowhere, atop a giant rocky ledge overlooking a vast, ever-expansive canyon. As far as you can tell, you're alone, surrounded only by rocks and dust. After walking for a few minutes in silence, greeted by a gentle breeze, you finally make out what can only be described as a lump in the distance. With a curious frown you walk towards it, realizing as you get closer that it's actually two lumps.

And they're not lumps. They're bodies.

Your breath leaves your body as your eyes land on Sora and Roxas, their bodies intertwined as Oathkeeper sticks out of Sora's chest, Oblivion embedded in Roxas'.

"No..." you mutter, kneeling down next to them as you rest a hand on Sora's head.

Their eyes are so blue, so empty...

"I can't die."

At the sound of Roxas' voice your eyes widen, scrambling to the blond's side.

"Roxie," you murmur, running your fingers through his matted hair as he turns his head towards you.

"I can't die, so all I feel is pain."

His blue eyes start to swirl, as the black color of his pupils expands and swallows the bright blue orbs. You fall back in shock, scooting away from him as he robotically reaches a hand towards Oblivion's handle. Your back hits something firm, and you fall backwards, over something unknown.

You glance to the side, greeted by electric blue eyes filled with sadness.

"Hey, [Name] –"

Zack trails off with a cough, black-red blood spilling out of his mouth as he glances up at the sky from his position lying down in the dirt. His body is riddled with bullet holes, his skin almost transparent from losing so much blood.

"Zack," you whisper, sliding yourself off of his legs as you sit down beside him. "What happened to you?"

"I think... I finally got my wings. Told you I would," he replies with a ghost of a smile.

"He tried to save me."

You look back at the sound of Cloud's voice, spotting him behind you. His shirt is ripped open, revealing a raw and stitched up chest, as if he's a Frankenstein-style monster.

"But he was too late," Cloud muses, smiling slightly as he reveals blood-coated teeth before he coughs up a stream of blood onto the dirt ground.

"N-No..." you stammer, burying your face in your hands as you try to force yourself awake. "This isn't real, this isn't real..."

"Of course it's real."

You peer through your fingers, spotting a normal looking Leon standing before you. A relieved smile grows on your face before he morphs into Noctis, a short, thin knife protruding from his torso.

"You're going to be the one to lead to our deaths, after all," Noctis tells you matter-of-factly as he reaches down and rips out the knife.

He twirls the blade between his fingers a few times before he launches it over your head. A sickening noise, almost like a squish, is heard behind you, so you glance over your shoulder to see Reno standing there, the knife jutting out of his neck.

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