Twilight Town [Roxas]

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A/N: Oh man, if you thought the fluff was extreme in the other results... I really outdid myself here XD

Dedicated to NakoNee-san for giving me this idea<3


"So, where are you heading?" you ask Aqua, who's resting the sole of her shoe against the wall as she leans back.

"You know, I'm not entirely sure. I think Terra mentioned something about dragons?" she responds, tilting her head slightly as she tries to remember the name of the world.

"Oh," you mutter, your hand subconsciously rising to your sore, bruised wrist as you hear his name. "You're going with Terra?"

"Yeeeeah," she replies slowly before trailing off into a laugh. "Why, do you want to go with him?"

"Huh? Oh, no, you can have him," you tell her with a smile.

Do you warn her about what just happened? You want to – but she looks so happy and content, the last thing you want to do is rain on her parade, especially with the fate of the worlds relying on total and complete concentration.

"Good thing, because I think you're wanted."

You blink at her in confusion before she grins and gestures her chin forward. Glancing over your shoulder, you spot Roxas trying to nonchalantly gain your attention as he stands with Sora, who's busy chatting his ear off.

"Guess I should go," you tell Aqua, waving goodbye to the bluenette before shuffling over to Roxas. "Hey," you add in greeting to the two.

"Hey!" Sora responds brightly with a wide grin.

"Ready to go?" Roxas asks, resting a hand on your shoulder.

"Go where?" you inquire as he raises his free hand to summon a swirling black-and-purple portal.

Roxas just smiles down at you, leading you inside of the waiting portal.

"It's a secret," he tells you, sounding rather pleased with himself.

"Should I be scared?" you ask with a laugh as the darkness envelops you in a cold mist-like sensation.

"Around me? Never."

Though you know he can't see it you still smile, a feeling of warmth encompassing you despite the overwhelmingly cold darkness chilling you to the bone. A bright light appears just in the distance, and before you know it you're standing in front of a large, three-level building you recognize all too well.

"What... Roxas, why are we at our high school?" you ask with a laugh as you glance over at the blond, who shrugs in response. "Wait, does this mean Twilight Town's in trouble?!"

"Yeah... BUT!" he quickly speaks up as a look of panic washes over your face, "we'll stop it in time. I promise. Just humor me for a sec."

He reaches down and grabs your hand, leading you inside of the school. A part of you wants to protest, but you're also kind of dying to know just what he's up to. Silence falls over both of you as you weave through the hallways, reminding you of a life long gone. It's a nice stroll down memory lane, however, as you remember everything that's happened here. Seifer falling down the staircase, Hayner spilling a jumbo-sized soda all down the front of his clothes, Roxas always having to spend his mornings frantically finishing the homework he neglected to do the night before, sitting together under the trees lining the field as you stare up at the sky and fantasize about visiting other worlds... It feels like a dream now.

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