Fight For Your Life

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-quick shameless self promotion-

Re-upping this to make sure I hear from EVERYONE: Who should take the last space in my new series?





So far it's Prompto who's winning so if you want someone else and haven't voted (or if you agree and want him) leave a comment either here or at the end letting me know ^_^

-end of shameless self promotion-

Part 5 of 6


An eerie silence falls over the canyon, the sound of absolute nothingness. Smoke billows from a large crater in the ground courtesy of an explosive blast that took out more than half of the surrounding area. The smell of smoke and fire fills the air – intoxicating, corrosive, and overwhelming.

As the smoke clears, it reveals the silhouette of a figure, standing at attention with his sword lowered, the tip brushing against the dirt. Across from him is a shorter man, slightly hunched over as he catches his breath, resting against his sword for balance.

"Are you getting tired, Cloud?" the taller man calls out, ending his question with a breathy laugh.

"No," Cloud replies, shooting a glare in Sephiroth's direction. "Not at all."

"Yes, I can see that," Sephiroth sarcastically replies. "You were a good SOLDIER, Cloud. With my help, you could become great. Who knows, perhaps even the best."

As he speaks, he slowly raises his sword towards the blond.

"Who says I want that?" Cloud snaps, standing up straight and roughly brushing aside the blade of Sephiroth's sword.

"Greatness? Who doesn't?" the clearly unhinged SOLIDER muses.

"What does greatness matter, if there's no one left? Or worlds to inhabit?" Cloud exclaims, losing his patience. "You're helping to bring about the collapse of our universe. I need to stop you, Sephiroth."

Sephiroth scoffs, rolling his eyes as he glances up towards the sky.

"Humanity is the greatest sin," he states, his voice dripping with disdain and disgust. "I will wash it clean, and rebuild with those who are worthy. You could keep that girl, should you so desire. And should she survive what is to happen today."

His gaze darts down to Cloud as he's still speaking. Cloud's nose wrinkles up in repulsion.

"You're crazy," he realizes, dragging his sword out of the ground and holding it at his side.

"Like a fox," Sephiroth replies with a wild grin before he charges forward, sword in hand as their blades collide with a sharp clash and a spark of light.


~recap a bit from the end of last chapter~

Axel pauses from his rather effortless fight with Vexen, seeing someone stumbling around nearby. To his shock, it's you. Although it doesn't really look like you. A black mist is surrounding you, a worried and panicked expression on your face as you try and rub off the mist on the ground. Your movements are slow, however, like you're losing consciousness.

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