Disney Town

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As promised to the always lovely and amazing writer Adrian [whyareall], I'm here to promote a really fantastic idea she's spearheading – Secret Santa 2k17! She's recruiting people who want to join to exchange holiday-themed oneshots!

Follow the link below if you're interested! I've joined so who knows, you might get a very special oneshot from yours truly since I go absolutely apeshit with the fluff when writing for Christmas/winter themed romances ;D

You can sign up until November 26. Be sure to take out the space after "https" for the link to work and thanks in advance! <3

https ://www.wattpad.com/491775926-kh-ff-secret-santa-2017-tis-the-season-for-kh-ff

Also Riku's result is literally just crack XD I'll make up for it in the finale lmao~


For a meal that started out so emotional, breakfast quickly devolved into the usual circus. Too tired to care, you merely sat back and enjoyed the delicious food, all too happy to be freed from the medical facility and amongst those you love most.

"So, what are we even going to do today? It's only," Cloud pauses to look at the watch clasped around his wrist, "8:43 a.m."

"Sleep?" Ven suggests hopefully.

"Don't worry about a schedule. We have some things for you all to do these next few days," King Mickey announces as he pushes out his chair and stands to his feet.

"Work? Seriously? After everything we just went through?" Riku asks with a raise of his eyebrows.

"It's not work, unless you consider preparing for the largest celebration this Kingdom has ever seen 'work,'" Goofy points out with a chuckle.

"Yes, that's work," Xion clarifies.

"I still don't get why we're having a party," Sora speaks up, his face slumping down on his open palm. "I mean... it sounds fun, but I don't really feel like going to some fancy ball or something."

"Because, after all the years of death and suffering and darkness, people want to celebrate once again," King Mickey wisely points out.

"It doesn't sound so bad. Free booze and food and we don't have to wear stifling SOLDIER uniforms. Win-win-win," Reno agrees.

"That's true," Cloud concedes with a hum and a nod.

"What's wrong with the uniforms?" Zack asks defensively.

"It's okay. You don't have to pretend you like wearing those anymore," Axel teases as he pats the dark-haired male on the back.

"I do though," Zack complains, earning a few eye rolls and scoffs as Donald clears his throat to bring the conversation back to a relevant topic.

"Well, what can we do to help?" Aqua asks, taking the hint.

"Nothing really. Most of it will be covered by the staff. You'll just need to be in proper shape, both physically and mentally, to enjoy the festivities," Mickey explains.

"No offense, but I'm not sure how many of us feel like celebrating at some massive party," Riku points out.

"Well, we'll see how you feel in a few days. For now, get some rest," Goofy suggests kindly as the three of them stand up.

"Maybe explore outside the castle. There's a lot to do around here," Donald adds.

"There's an area outside the castle?" Sora asks. "I always thought this place was just a castle..."

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