Flying Solo

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"Ugh, I'm BORED!" you exclaim, tossing a bright red ball into the air.

You catch it with ease, turning your head to the side as you glance around the ship. You're lying down on your back, sprawled out over three seats. Roxas is seated in the third seat, your legs hanging over his lap as he tries to nap. Sora, Noctis, and Zack are playing cards as Riku steers the ship.

"How many times are you going to say that?" Roxas asks, opening his eyes as he glances over at you.

"We told you to play with us!" Sora adds with a smile.

"Go Fish gets a little old after the second hour," you point out, sighing as you once again stare up at the ceiling. "Would it kill them to put a TV in this thing?"

"Or add some light speed feature," Zack agrees, leaning back in his seat. He quickly glances over at Riku. "... Is there one?"

You can practically see Riku's eyes rolling as he scoffs.

"Light speed? No, Fair, because that doesn't exist."

Zack narrows his eyes at the silver-haired male before turning his attention back to the riveting (sarcasm) game. You prop yourself up on your elbows, glancing out the window. The passing sky is pitch-black, eerily so. It always made you feel a little uneasy traveling throughout deep space, knowing that just beyond this window lies the abyss...

"What do you think we're gonna do once we're back?" Sora asks.

"More training, right?" Noctis guesses.

Before anyone can respond, a loud ringing noise echoes through the ship. You glance over your shoulder as Zack eagerly picks up his phone.

"Fair," he greets with a smile, placing his cards on the table as he leans forward. "Uh-huh. Uh-huh. What?? But you just got back! Ang..."

He trails off, frowning as he pulls back his phone. With a sigh he tosses his phone onto the table, suddenly looking rather pouty.

"Was that Angeal?" you ask, sitting up straight.

You found yourself missing your mentor throughout the past day. Something about Angeal gave you confidence, like you were worthy of all of the attention given to you.

"Yeah," Zack replies, a forced smile on his face. "He just wanted to check in."

"You're almost as bad a liar as Boris," Riku comments from the driver's seat, causing everyone to chuckle as you roll your eyes and throw yourself back down onto your seat.


"I miss our old headquarters," Sora complains with a pout as you start to march off of the Gummi Ship.

"You mean you don't like living in this depressing wasteland? No offense," Noctis says, glancing over at a shrugging Zack.

"None taken. I wasn't born here," Zack replies casually.

Riku taps a finger on the bright red button at the entrance of the ship, causing the doors to spring open. Standing there with wide grins are Reno, Cloud, Genesis, and Leon.

"Welcome back," Genesis greets.

"What are you guys doing here?" Roxas asks cautiously.

"Leaving. So get off," Reno orders, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb.

"Where are you guys going?" you ask as you head down the ramp.

As soon as you step on the ground, Leon grabs your arm and pulls you back onto the ship. You shoot him a confused look, and he merely smiles down at you.

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