Cave of Wonders

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A/N: Another title for this could be "Return of Asshole!Riku"

... AKA my favorite Riku 


"Wakey, wakey!"

You groan, your arms flying up to cover your eyes as the curtains covering the window in your room as ripped open. Light pours in, blinding you as you all but writhe on your bed and pull your sheets over your head.

"Let me sleeeeeep," you whimper, burying your face into your pillow as you start to drift back to sleep.

You can feel two lumps hop onto your bed, and you slowly peel back the sheets and poke the top of your head out. Standing over you are positively beaming Yuffie and Xion.

"... Should I be scared?" you ask as they continue to grin wildly.

"No, you should be excited!" Yuffie exclaims, starting to jump.

You body starts to shake and flop with her movements, and with a sigh you decide not to fight it and give in to the sensations.

"They found Terra!" Xion tells you, jumping up and down as well.

"Really?!" you ask, the same wild grin growing on your face as you lift yourself to a seated position.

You throw the covers off of you, flying up and joining them as you jump up grab their hands. The three of you devolve into laughter and giggles as you jump in silence, surely waking up half the Castle and not caring one iota.


"... Man, AND we don't have to wear those stupid SOLDIER outfits anymore?" you tell Xion as you glance down with a smile at your stretchy black pants and long-sleeved tan shirt. "This day's getting better and better."

Since everyone had left Shinra in such a hurry, apparently no one had time to grab uniforms. It was nice, like when you had first joined this group of maniacs. Uniforms are too stuffy, anyway.

"I know," Xion laughs, pulling on a pair of black motorcycle gloves. "I didn't want to complain, but you're totally right. Those things are so itchy."

"FINALLY, someone besides Axel agrees with me!" you exclaim as the two of you enter the Gummi hangar.

The two of you exchange a quick laugh, until you realize the room you just entered is completely silent. Glancing up, you spot ten pairs of judgmental eyes locked on you. Word must have spread that your unofficial stalker had tracked you down yet again. For some reason, they all seem to have taken it personally, since you're being watched like a diseased leper.

"Boy, you guys are in a mood today!" Yuffie scolds as she bounces into the hangar.

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