Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid

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A/N: As we enter the final arc (*cries*) the series is about to get depressing. Just a heads-up.

... Some of you are gonna get really mad at me xD;

  This is part 1 of a 3-part chapter~  


A field of cotton candy and chocolate truffles stretches as far as the eye can see, expanding for miles upon miles. The weather is absolutely perfect as you munch on the plethora of candy before you, in literal heaven.

No Heartless, no Nobodies, no bad guys with identity crises out to kill you to make a door... perfection.

The floor suddenly shakes under where you're sitting, and you glance around with narrowed eyes.

"Huh. What was that?"

There's another shake and a jolt of your body, and you dig your fingers into the ground to try and steady yourself.

"[Name]!" a distinctly recognizable voice echoes through your ears.

"Oh, c'mon, let her sleep," a familiar female's voice responds, and you quickly hop to your feet and glance around the field.

Your vision starts to grow blurry, a flash of blond hair jumping before your eyes. It's then you realize you're dreaming, and someone's trying to wake you up.

"No!" you cry out, leaping down and grabbing hold of a truffle plant. "I'm not ready yet!"

You blink, and when your eyes open you're suddenly lying down in bed, a grinning lunatic hovering over you.

"... Why are you so sweaty?" you ask a now laughing Ven as he leans back so he's sitting at the edge of your bed.

"We went for a run!" he replies excitedly, and you glance to the doorway to see an equally sweaty Terra leaning a shoulder against the frame.

"... Why are you guys in my room?" you ask slowly.

"I'm sorry [Name], I tried to get them to give you another half hour," Aqua apologizes with a sigh, seated up in bed with her short hair in a poofy mess. She looks like she just woke up too. "But they insisted we go train before the sun rises."

"The sun isn't even out yet?!" you exclaim angrily, groaning as you flop back down against your pillow.

"C'mon, lazy ass," Ven scolds, hopping up to his feet and grabbing your wrist as he pulls you out of bed.

"Noooo," you whine, trying to reach out for your lovely and warm bed as you're hauled over his shoulder and carried out of the room.

"Morning, [Name]," Terra greets with a smirk as you're carried past him.

You fight the urge to flip him off.

"Thank God, now we can sleep," you hear Xion tell Yuffie before the door shuts behind a yawning Aqua.

"Why isn't she being carried?" you ask Terra, lifting your head off of Ven's back to glance up at the brunet.

"Good question," he muses as he peers over at Aqua.

"Don't even think about it," she warns, pointing a finger at Terra, who chuckles in response.

"That's why. She fights back," Terra tells you.

You're about to argue with him, but then you realize all you did was reach for your bedpost before you resigned to your fate of being carried. Maybe he's right. Not that you'd admit it out loud.

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