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A/N: I wanted to get this out quickly since the last chapter was such a doozy, and I don't want any Vanitas haters out there thinking he's about to be the main focus of the series. He won't be. Sadly.

The next chapters coming up are gonna be a little weird, as we're leaving the KH universe for awhile. Prepare thyself, because the plot is finally coming together~

Also - shoot me a message in the comments on what y'all think of adding Vani to the mix. He's never gonna be running around just one of the gang because I'm not willing to go THAT OOC, but I'm mulling over just how much to include him in the story. Idk. I love him but I know not everyone does.

HOW DO YOU NOT LOVE HIM THOUGH? HE'S FLIPPING PERFECT and I even gave him such a cute little blossoming relationship in that last chapter where he's all pissy and obnoxious but also like a wounded little puppy~~~~~<3

Anyway, done rambling. Dying to know what y'all think. Enjoy~

♥ Alex


"Fuck my life."

As soon as the words leave your mouth, a loud knock sounds at your door. You drop your hands to your sides, marching over and wrenching the door open. Eyes widen a bit when you spot Roxas standing there, his hand still raised as if he were about to knock again.

"Oh. Hey [Name]," he greets with a nervous chuckle.

"Hey," you respond, leaning a shoulder on the doorway as you stare up at him.

Truth be told, you're still a little sour at how he and everyone else has been treating you for the past week. Then again, after what you just did with Vanitas, maybe they're a little justified.


"What's up?" you add, forcing a cheery tone to your voice and a smile to your face.

"What's wrong with you?" Roxas asks, giving you a weird look as he brushes past you and into your room.

You glance back at your bed, grimacing as he makes a beeline to the folder sitting on the end. He picks it up, peering over his shoulder at you with a raised eyebrow.

"What is this? A top secret memo?" he teases, flipping open the front page.

The smile is quickly wiped from his face as he starts to actually read what's on the paper. He flips through, looking more concerned with each page.


"[Name], what the hell is this?" he interrupts you, not taking his eyes from the papers.

"It's... actually, I don't know what it is," you admit, releasing a sigh as you take a seat on your bed. You're awkwardly playing with your fingers, avoiding his gaze like the plague. "Vanitas gave it to me."

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