Rest and Rehabilitation

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Wow, it's starting to hit me that this series is almost done

After this, only TWO (maybe three) MORE CHAPTERS

I'm not ready :(


"You did it."

A loud voice – playful, but stern – breaks through the silence. You slowly become aware that you're being woken up from a deep and dreamless sleep, and you blink slowly as you come to. You're slumped over in a chair, in a weirdly familiar office.



The sound of a shout causes you to shriek in shock, suddenly sitting up straight with a hand over your chest. You're now wide awake, slowly catching your breath as you glance around the room with what's surely a humorously panicked expression.

"Maybe you should take it easy on her," a soft voice mutters.

"Nah. Take it easy on this one? She can handle it," the original voice responds with a scoff of disbelief.

You glance to the side, immediately spotting the same man you had seen after... dying? You're still not sure exactly what happened. All you remember is that he's called the Master. He's seated at his desk, with a second man dressed all in blank standing next to him. Both of their faces are cloaked in dark shadows.

"Um... What am I doing here?" you ask, glancing around the office.

You didn't exactly expect to return here ever again.

"Don't worry, it's not gonna be forever. Just wanted to issue you my congratulations and gratitude," the Master states with a hand over his chest.

"... You're welcome?" you slowly reply.

"What my master means to say, is that your work is done. We will be taking over from now on," the shorter man tells you.

"Taking over?" you repeat with a tilt of your head.

"Well, the balance has been restored," the Master explains with a wave of his gloved hand. "Meaning – no more war, no more darkness. That is, until some other megalomaniac comes around and tries to destroy the universe. But you'll be dead long before that'll happen again."

"Wow, that's... really great to hear," you lie with a gritting smile.

"Please excuse him. My master does not often get the opportunity to converse with others," the second man states, giving you a small bow of respect.

"Oh, yeah, like you're a regular man of the people, Luxu," the Master snaps at him. "You should be proud, [Name]," he adds with a glance towards you. "You helped to end this once and for all. The footage was amazing."

"Footage? Oh yeah... From your eye," you remember with a slight grimace.

"Yeah, little Luxu had a front row seat to everything. Except for that fight with your Nobody... but, I think we all know how that turned out."

Your face falls a bit at his words, not exactly eager to relive the moment.

"We might not seem it, but we are grateful for your help. You and your friends," the man you're guessing is named Luxu speaks up. "You've helped to bring about peace to the worlds, which we haven't seen for much too long."

"Peace?" you repeat with a tiny smile.

"Well, what else do you think the balance would bring?" the Master asks, clasping his hands together as he leans forward in his seat towards you. "This is over. Done. Finito. Sayonara. Bon voyage. The end."

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