Third Class

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A/N: Chasing Destiny was very KH-centric, following around Roxas, Sora, Axel, and Riku primarily. I think it's becoming clear Cheating Destiny will be more FF-centric. Specifically, FFVII (including Crisis Core, my favorite plot of the franchise), which means that Zack, Cloud, Genesis, and Reno will initially take more of a front-seat than they did in Chasing Destiny.

AND NO ZACK WON'T DIE THIS TIME AROUND -_- *grumbles angrily*


Before you can open your eyes, your chest is constricted as someone jumps on top of you. You cough a bit, groaning as you push them off of you. A few blinks is all it takes to adjust your vision to your surroundings. Quickly, last night comes flooding back. Arriving in Midgar, speaking with Sephiroth, reuniting with...

You quickly sit up, glancing down at the bed as you search for your companion. Shoved against the wall is [him], Yuffie now taking up most of the space as she lies between you.

"Morning, you guys!" Yuffie greets, glancing between the two of you.

"I can't breathe," [he] complains, trying (and failing) to kick off the stubborn ninja.

"Haha, oops!" she apologizes, not sounding very sorry at all as she crawls towards the foot of the bed.

With a small glare pointed in her direction, [he] rolls over onto his back. Yuffie continues to grin, glancing between the two of you, seemingly oblivious to the awkwardness of the situation.

"What kind of nightgown is that?" Yuffie asks, picking at your white dress.

"Don't even ask," you reply, rolling your eyes a bit. "I'm happy to see you though!"

"Me too!!" Yuffie yells, hopping to her feet. She rests her hands on her hips, narrowing her eyes at the two of you. "But – why are you still in bed? We need to celebrate! You're back! We're all reunited!"

"Geez, Yuff, give them some space."

You glance towards the doorway, smiling when you spot Terra standing there. Yuffie pouts before shuffling out of your room with a dejected wave.

"Sorry, she's just excited you're safe," Terra tells you, pushing himself off of the doorway. "See you guys at the meeting. Nice having you back, [Name]."

With a nod, he too is gone. You glance to your side, smiling when you see the annoyed look on [his] face.

"There goes our privacy," he sighs, sitting up beside you in bed.

"Oh, it won't be so bad. It's kind of nice seeing everyone..."

You trail off, feeling someone watch you. You look towards the doorway to see Ven's face peering in, a wide grin on his face.

"You're back!" he exclaims happily, tapping his fingers on your doorknob. "Nice hair, by the way."

The blond shoots you a small smirk before walking away, whistling a peppy tune. You pat at your head, sighing when you realize your hair is basically a rat's nest.

"What was that you were saying?" the male beside you mocks with a knowing smile.

"We need to get a lock," you decide, though you relax into a smile as he drags you into his arms, placing a lazy kiss on your lips.

"Hey there, [Na-]... oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!!"

The two of you break apart just in time to see Xion running away, her face as red as a tomato.

"I think that's our cue to get ready," you mutter, hiding your face in your hands.

"... And to get a lock," he agrees with a sigh.

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