Neverland [Vanitas]

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A/N: Let's be real, this is the one most of you were waiting for, isn't it? XD

Can't believe I wrote Vanitas fluff. It feels so wrong, and yet so right~


"No," you state as Vanitas wordlessly slides next to your standing position against the wall.

"What? I didn't even say anything," he argues, holding his hands up in surrender as he steps in front of you.

"I'm not heading out with you. You're gonna use this as some death-trap learning experience. I don't feel like dying today," you tell him with a small pout.

"Okay, we can do something easy," he agrees with a lazy shrug.

"... Really?" you ask, your brows rising with skepticism.

"Sure. You can be like my little sidekick. 'Bout time you saw me in action anyway," he tells you as he slips on his black gloves.

"Haven't I already?" you ask, thinking back to all the times he almost killed you in training.

He laughs condescendingly as he raises his right hand and summons a portal next to you.

"Please, [Name]. When I train you I'm at maybe 50% capacity. Sometimes 60% if you're being particularly whiney."

"Since when do you hold back?" you inquire accusatorily.

He looks like he doesn't want to answer before he glances away and mumbles, "Don't wanna hurt you."

You smile, following him towards the waiting portal.

"That's almost sweet," you reply as he turns to face you, reaching out to grab your hand.

"Whatever," he sighs before taking a step back and dragging you along into the abyss behind him.

The air isn't as stifling as it was the first time you traveled in one of his portals. Either the darkness has lessened, or you've finally adjusted, because you now barely struggle to breathe as you fall through the dark void. Soon enough, following a flash of light, you're standing beside a stream of water running through jagged rock formations. You can hear the cry of seagulls, and the air smells of salt and burning wood.

"Where are we?" you ask, following after Vanitas as he takes off through a clearing between the rocks.

"Neverland," he replies boredly, glancing around as you enter a dirt path leading through a group of tall trees.

"Really? It's pretty," you muse with a smile as you look up at him. "Have you been here before?"

"...... Yeah," he responds slowly, avoiding your gaze as he brushes aside a branch to look past the trees. "Years ago."

"Oh. You mean when you were –"

"I don't want to talk about it, [Name]," he snaps, glancing over his shoulder to shoot you a dangerous look. "Now, c'mon. Let's get this over with."

"Okay," you mutter, following after him as he slips under the low-hanging branch and you both step out on a cliff looking over a small cove, filled with overflowing water from the vast ocean just in the distance. "I'm sorry," you add, earning his attention as his gaze darts down to you. "I know you don't like to talk about your past."

He just stares down at you for a moment before the corners of his lips twist up into a small smile and he reaches a hand out to ruffle your hair.

"You'll hear about it someday," he tells you, his hand lingering on the top of your head for a moment before he retracts it back to his side. "Promise."

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