A Deep Breath, And Then...

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A/N: Just rewatched KH: Back Cover (the animation is SO GOOD omg) and Master of Masters is legit a freaking boss and if he's not in KH3 I'm gonna stage a revolt. He's like the Deadpool of Kingdom Hearts.

So, yeah. Look him up if you have no idea who I'm talking about, OR watch Back Cover because I'm gonna be using that as my inspiration for the rest of the series ^_^

Also this chapter is REALLY short but the next couple ones will be loooooong

Thanks so much for the awesome feedback on my idea for a new series btw! I guess I'll start brainstorming~


What does one eat the night before they leave for war?

It's a question you never, ever thought you'd ask yourself. Yet, here you are, standing in a kitchen as you mull over your choices. Yuffie was all but demanding something fancy, such as steaks or lobsters, while Xion wanted something light, like salad. Kairi and Namine were as easy-going as ever, which left you and Aqua stuck to decide.

After throwing out countless suggestions, you all landed on [insert meal]. You don't really care if the guys want it or not, since they aren't the ones cooking.

Thankfully, it doesn't take too long to prepare, so you're soon all seated together. The room smells amazing, and is filled with the sound of lively conversations, silverware scrapping on dishes, and the occasional guffaw of laughter.

You take a moment to glance around the room, a small smile growing as you watch these people you truly love so much, all together, all happy. It's enough to cause tears to form, as your heart suddenly lurches uncomfortably.

Tonight is filled with laughter and happiness.

But tomorrow... what will it be filled with?

Pain? Blood? Death?

You stare down at your plate, suddenly not very hungry.

It's not fair. You're not ready for this.

"Remember, [Name]?"

The sudden nudge of your side by someone's elbow draws you from your self-loathing thoughts, glancing up with a frown when you realize the whole table's staring at you.

"Huh?" you ask, glancing over at Zack with a somewhat dazed expression.

"We're talking about when we all first met! Remember – when me and Cloud scared you?" he asks with a wide grin.

"Oh," you trail off with a laugh, remembering all too well the weirdoes you saw lurking in the shadows of Twilight Town. "Yeah, I remember you two stalked me. Then I saw Axel talking to himself."

"I was talking to a Nobody," Axel replies, as if that's any better.

"And we weren't stalking you. We were following Roxas," Cloud corrects.

"It felt a lot like stalking. You guys were everywhere," Roxas notes.

"You call it stalking, I call it love," Zack retorts before stuffing his face with food.

"And just think – someday, we'll all be looking back to this exact moment," Yuffie points out with a knowing grin. "The night before we saved the worlds."

"I'll cheers to that!" Sora decides, holding up his cup of juice.

You all pause for a moment before breaking out in smiles and doing the same. All of your cups meet in the center, an overwhelming feeling of love and support surrounding you and everyone simultaneously calls out: "Cheers!"

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