Atlantica [Reno]

495 37 34

A/N: Axel is such a bastard in these results XD

Reno needs more love though so this was fun and long overdue <3


"So, where should we go?" Reno asks, smacking your back to grab your attention as he slides to a standing position next to you. "Somewhere exotic? Maybe a cool castle?"

"I know just the place~!" Axel greets, appearing in front of the two of you out of nowhere.

"Don't trust you, bro," Reno argues with a wave of his hand.

"Oh? Alright then, I'll just give the cool beach world to someone else. Maybe Sora?" Axel replies, starting to walk towards the excitable brunet.

"Beach?" Reno repeats with a tick of his brow.

"What's the world?" you ask.

Axel smiles innocently, raising a hand in the air as he summons a portal.

"Go in and find out," he tells you, nodding over his shoulder to the swirling darkness.

You and Reno glance at each other for a moment.

"[Name]. The beach," Reno points out, grabbing your shoulders and shaking you slightly. "I need to get some sun. I'm dying in this place."

"Okay, okay," you agree with a laugh, shaking your head as you follow him inside the portal.

"Give the fish my best!" Axel calls out as the darkness starts to close around you.

"The fish – no!" Reno yells in realization.

But it's too late. You're hurled into the darkness, an awkward tingle running through you as a magic spell transforms your body. Within a few seconds you're popped out into the middle of the ocean, a [favorite color] fin where your legs were coupled with a matching color shell bra. You sigh, sinking a bit as you throw your head back in frustration.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Reno cries in despair, his hands covering his face as he flops around in the water. "I'm gonna kill him. This is it. I'm finally gonna kill him," he adds as he runs his hands rather dramatically down his face.

"On the bright side, your chest looks good," you point out, swimming around him in a circle.

A smirk grows on his face as he follows you out of the underwater cave and into a large clearing, filled with coral, rocks, and a solo dolphin zipping around.

"[Name], you sly minx, are you checking me out?" he asks, suddenly sounding very pleased.

"In your dreams," you respond as you twirl in an almost somersault in the water.

"Uh-huh," he retorts, clearly not buying what you're selling as he follows after you. "Well, this world sucks, but at least I get to see you with practically no clothes on."


"Coming from the girl checking out my chest."

You shoot him a playful glare before you suddenly come to a stop, his arm shooting out and blocking you from moving forward. His gaze is set in the distance, a sudden frown on his face.

"What is it?" you ask, grabbing his wrist as he slowly lowers his arm.

Before he can explain, or even has to, you notice exactly what he's watching. A large vortex is forming around an odd rock formation, sucking in water into swirling darkness.

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