A Sense Of Comfort (Part II)

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A/N: I'm honestly not too thrilled with most of these -_- I tried guys, really, but results are SO draining. There won't be any for awhile as this series careens towards the end so... oh well. They're fluffy as hell though so enjoy~

Also... Your heads might explode when you see whose result is first <8D




You trail off, your nerve waning as Vanitas' eyes stay locked with yours. While you want to help, as Naminé insinuated he's been struggling, it's hard to make sense of all of this. You can't yet fully separate him from the monster who made your life hell last year.

"What?" he asks, breaking the silence with a tone of irritation.

"Do you wanna stay?" you blurt out before common sense can kick in.

Vanitas blinks a few times, watching you like you just told him 2 + 2 = 5. Finally, he shrugs.

"Alright," he agrees, shoving his hands in his pockets in a show of what you've come to realize is vulnerability.

"Okay! Um, I was just gonna watch a movie and hang out, if that sounds okay," you tell him, kicking off your shoes and grabbing some clean clothes from your dresser. As you slightly ramble he leans against your windowsill, eyes locked on your figure. "But first, I'm gonna shower."

"Need some help?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest as a very smug look grows on his face due to your stunned expression.

"What?! No. Shut up," you snap awkwardly, power walking towards the bathroom.

The door slams shut behind you, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He raises his hands to his face, his fingers sliding down his cheeks as he releases a small groan, all smugness immediately gone.

"What the fuck am I doing?" he mutters to himself, glancing towards the shut door as he hears the water start to run.

He knows he shouldn't be here.

He knows he should keep his distance, and leave you be. There's nothing he has to offer.

But still he stays, listening to the sound of water, and your voice gently humming and singing. It's annoying as hell, but he doesn't want it to stop.

A knock at the door draws his attention, and his gaze darts up in a look of confusion. He pushes himself off the ledge and walks to the door, opening it up a crack and peering his head out. Standing there is what must be a maid or servant, a surprised look on her face as she's greeted by a stranger.

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