Cloud's Ending

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Cloud's Song: "Holding Onto You" by TWENTY ØNE PILØTS

"You are surrounding all my surroundings
Sounding down the mountain range
Of my left-side brain
You are surrounding all my surroundings
Twisting the kaleidoscope
Behind both of my eyes



"Hey, can you give me a hand?"

The question pulls you from your thoughts as you glance up, spotting an all-too familiar blond male standing before you. He has a bundle of assorted items in his arms, which are being held rather precariously.

"Have you heard of taking multiple trips instead of one?" you ask with a laugh as you sit up and grab a few spare items to ease the pressure.

"This is more efficient," Cloud replies simply, though he shoots you a small smile of appreciation as the two of you head towards the backyard.

At the end of the war, both of you lived in the Land of Departure for a few months. It was peaceful and tranquil, living with your friends in solitude. But the end of the war also brought turmoil to some worlds and cities, especially Midgar. You and Cloud were the first to leave and return to Midgar along with Angeal, Zack, and Genesis to try and correct the balance left by Shinra's collapse. Sephiroth's breakdown became public knowledge, and the curtain was lifted to show all the true evil that Shinra was hiding behind its walls. With new leadership, Shinra's hold on the public was gone, and it became just another company. Finally, after a year and a half, things were finally... well, normal. People were healthier, happier, and more successful. Their lives are more fulfilled, and though the horrors of the past live large over the city, people are finally free.

You and Cloud decided to stay in Midgar, in the house you were living in nearly three years ago. It was cozy, and filled with old memories that always brought a smile to your face. Cloud no longer worked for Shinra, but instead joined the actual army. With the worlds being at peace, he didn't have to do much work. It was mainly a paper-pushing job, but with enough activity that he was able to keep busy. You were able to join too, and with your magic a lot of your duties involved defensive work. Your hours were long, but the work was rewarding, and you couldn't ask for a better partner.

Neither you nor Cloud wanted marriage. Or kids. Living together, making a life together – it's all either of you want. No bells and whistles, nothing too fancy. Just you and him. And honestly, there's nothing else you'd want. While it hasn't always been easy transitioning from the stress of the war, you've finally settled into a mindset of inner peace. The nightmares still come, but not as frequently, and always with Cloud beside you to make things easier. And you all still get to see your friends and old comrades, either when they come to visit, you take a vacation, or at the monthly reunion at the school in the Land of Departure built by Ven, Terra, and Aqua.

"What's all this for, anyway?" you ask, dropping the items in your arms on the table set up in the backyard.

"Building a fire pit," Cloud responds as if that's normal, glancing proudly at the pile of bricks, heavy bags of cement, and various tools.

"... Why?"

"Why not?"

"Fair point," you laugh with a slight shrug, leaning against the table as you meet his light blue eyes.

The years have been kind, as the man looks older but somehow even more handsome. You could stare at him all day, a fact of which he's more than aware and loves teasing you about.

"Something on my face?" he teases as he rests a hand on the table's surface to lean closer to you.

"Just admiring you," you respond, reaching a hand out to trail a finger down his cheek.

He catches your hand with his own, your fingers lacing together as he pulls you close to him so that he can nuzzle his nose against yours.

"My favorite activity," he muses, a sweet smile growing on his face before he leans down to capture your lips with his.

After all these years, you'll never get sick of these little moments. It's the reminder that all the turmoil, the struggle, and the pain was worth it, so that you can enjoy this life together that you fought so hard to get.


Sorry for the delay on this! I'm gonna try and get Leon's out later today :3

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