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A/N: This looks like an excuse to make a Vanitas chapter (not that any of you are likely complaining ;D) but I promise this is leading somewhere.

Comments and rates are MUCH appreciated :3


As soon as you walk out of the portal you (gently) lower Roxas to the floor, kneeling down next to him as you stretch your arms over your head and try to catch your breath. You're in the, now empty, office of King Mickey. At first you wonder where everyone is, but then you realize with a frown they're probably helping out Ven.

You glance down at a still knocked out Roxas, who's snoring lightly. At least he's managing to enjoy himself right now. You lower your arms, one of your hands resting on Roxas' arm while the other gently brushes his hair from his forehead. You look to the side, continuing to run your fingers through his hair in an attempt to provide him comfort, as Axel places Riku next to you, his back propped up against a bookcase.

"How long until they wake up?" you ask Axel as he stands up.

He sighs, not looking at you as his gaze drops to the floor.

"I dunno, [Name]. Hopefully not long."

When you don't respond his gaze flicks down to you, a forced smile growing when he notices the worried expression on your face.

"Why don't you wait for them to wake up?" he adds, gesturing between Roxas and Riku as he starts to walk away.

"What?" you ask, crawling to your feet as he starts to walk away. "Why, where are you going?"

"To see Ven," Axel responds, pausing as he looks back at you. "He's... You should hold off on seeing him, until he's looked over by some healers."

"Why?" you press, ignoring the look of warning he gives you.

He opens his mouth to reply, but just then a small groan from behind you grabs your attention. You glance over your shoulder, noticing both Roxas and Riku are awake. Riku's rubbing his eyes to wake up as Roxas is holding onto his back.

"What happened?" Roxas asks when he notices you and Axel watching him from the doorway. "... Did someone drop me down a staircase?"

Your eyes widen a bit as Axel starts to laugh.

"That was all [Name]," Axel states, patting your back once before he slips through the threshold, leaving you alone with the two very confused boys.

You glare after his retreating figure for a moment but, questioning whether you're emotionally prepared to see Ven in this state, you instead turn around and walk towards Roxas and Riku.

"Sorry. You were passed out and I had to get you out of the mansion before someone found us," you explain, pressing your back against the desk as you sink onto the floor.

You stretch your legs out, one towards Riku and one towards Roxas, as you sit before them.

"You got us out of there?" Riku asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, why is that so hard to believe?" you retort, crossing your arms over your chest.

"The height difference, for one," he points out.

"And you don't have much upper body strength. No offense," Roxas adds quickly as you turn your angry expression to him.

You just stare at them both before relaxing into a sigh, resting the back of your head against the desk as you turn your gaze to the high ceiling.

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