Riku's Ending

851 38 18

Riku's Song: Halo by Starset


"Sent out the signal and I'll fly low

If it means the death of me, I won't let go

And if I'm lost in the world's shadows

I'll use the light that comes to me

From your halo"



Sometimes it's hard for you to believe that your life is actually yours. Two years ago, you had barely survived a war in which you were supposed to die. Two years ago, you were an angsty, stress-addled mess.

And now, two years later, you're... normal. Well, as normal as you can get. For a few months, everyone lived in the castle in the Land of Departure. It was relatively comfortable, as everyone needed the time away to heal. But then Ven, Terra, and Aqua got the idea to start training kids in becoming Keybearers, to prepare the next generation should war again come to the worlds. As more and more kids moved to start their training, more of your group left.

Including you and Riku. You both moved back to the Islands at his insistence, in an interest to see his parents. At first, he was excited. That lasted about two days. By the end of the week, he was ready to rip his hair out due to boredom. His parents knew he'd never be happy living on a small island, so they helped to convince him to leave and continue his adventure. As "normal" as Riku's become, he still needs to have constant stimulation or else he drives himself, and everyone around him, insane.

So, you once again left. You traveled all of the worlds together, with very little but the clothes on your back and some spare munny from the King. It was without a doubt the best year of your life as you traveled throughout the worlds, reuniting with old friends and making new ones. But the best part was spending so much time with your best friend, away from the stress of reality and enjoying the stupor of romance and adventure.

But all good things must come to an end. Most of all, your munny. You spent the last of it to return to the Land of Departure, where a full-blown school had been built in the year you were away. You and Riku were welcomed with open arms, where he taught kids with a proclivity for darkness how to control it and you assisted Aqua in teaching kids the power of magic. As fun as it was traveling the worlds like nomads, the stability of life that the Land of Departure offers has been your favorite. You and Riku even managed to buy a small house at the bottom of the giant hill on which the castle rests, where you're able to escape everyone and fall back into your world that consists of only the two of you.

And that's where you are tonight, sitting in front of a crackling fire in your living room as the two of you stare at the flames, his arms wrapped around your waist as you rest against his chest, a finger running down the side of his neck. You take a second to glance up at him, admiring his features. His hair's now short, and he tends to have a little bit of stubble as he's grown too lazy to shave. Not that you're complaining. It's a good look.

"What are you looking at?"

His question breaks the comfortable silence, and you notice his lips start to curl up in an amused smile as his aquamarine eyes dart down to yours.

"You, darling. Sometimes I forget how handsome you are," you reply.

"How could you forget?" he retorts, chuckling as you roll your eyes.

"Like I could ever forget with you always reminding me," you tease, reaching a hand up to tap his nose with your finger.

"Ha," he laughs sarcastically. "By the way, I'm cold. Wanna get me my jacket?"

"You can't get it yourself?"

"Nope. Please," he adds with a bat of his eyelashes.

"Oh God, okay, fine," you grumble, sighing as you slink away from his arms and off the couch.

You shuffle towards the dining table, where he's slung his coat over the back of one of the chairs. You grab it, immediately feeling something somewhat hefty in one of the pockets.

"I think you left something in here," you tell him as you walk towards him, holding out the jacket.

"Can you check for me?" he asks you.

"Seriously? How lazy can you get?" you muse with a groan as you reach your hand into the left pocket.

It's empty, so you reach into the right pocket. Your fingers brush against something solid, so you grab onto it and pull it out. It's a thin black box, small enough that it fits into your palm. You glance up, only to see that Riku is now kneeling in front of you on one knee.

"What are you doing?" you ask, even though you've already pieced together what's going on.

He reaches his hands out to grab the box clutched in your palm, slowly opening it to reveal a simple silver band tucked in a bed of velvet. Your eyes are as wide as saucers, and for a moment you think you might pass out from pure shock.

"[Name]," Riku speaks up, causing you to look up and glance at him. He has an earnest look on his face, complete with a nervous smile. "We've been together for four years –"

"Holy shit."

"... And through the good times and bad, you've always been there..."

"Is this actually happening?"

"So I'm here to ask you, as someone who loves you absolutely and unconditionally, will you stop interrupting and be mine?"

You can't respond, your mouth feeling like water as you stare at the band. Finally, your eyes dart up, meeting Riku's. His eyes are wide, his beautiful face looking just the slightest bit anxious. It's the face you always want to wake up next to, and admire right before you fall asleep. He's the person you always feel as if you need in your life, the one who knows you the best and always makes you feel as if you're the only girl in the world.

"Yeah," you agree, fighting back tears as you give a voracious nod. "Of course. Yes."

"You finally got that one word out," he teases, reaching into the box and pulling out the ring before holding it out to you.

You nod once, and he grins as he reaches forward and slips the ring onto your finger. It's a perfect fit, which somehow seems like a euphemism for him into your life.

"Yes," you repeat, grabbing onto his shoulders as he stands up in front of you. "Of course it's yes. The answer's always yes."

"Music to my ears," he muses, smiling as he leans down and scoops you up into his arms.

His lips find yours, setting your entire body on fire as you do your best to fight back stinging tears. It's ironic, that someone who dwells so much in the dark has brought so much brightness to your life. But he absolutely has, and you'd never dream of taking any other path but his.

It's the path that brought the two of you together, and the one you were destined to take.

And he's never been more grateful that you chose him.

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