A New Normal

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Picture has nothing to do with the chapter, it just gives me feels~

In case anyone isn't sure... if you're following the Ven/Van paths, you broke up with your original BOC in the last chapter. You can ignore this if you want, but I know a LOT of you were worried about the whole cheating aspect (whoops lmao) so I gave y'all a peaceful closure :3

And Roxas finally gets his result here. As do some others.

Read through to the end......... <3



The sky is dark. Storm clouds are gathering, with jolts of thunder and flashes of lightning rocking the sky. Electricity surges through the air almost constantly now, giving you a sense of power but also unease. It's too unnatural.

Everyone was busy pretending this weather is normal. But you know they're lying, either to you or themselves. Maybe both.

None of this is normal.

Though you'd be bluffing if you tried to say you didn't enjoy the power that courses through you with each burst of lightning.

You feel more alive than ever.


The storm has grown so bad that one can't leave the house. It's hard to even see the apartment next door due to the thickness of the falling rain. All you can see is water pouring from the sky, accompanied by occasional cracks and flashes lighting up the abandoned street.

You all stay inside this day, watching the storm with a growing feeling of restlessness.

This storm isn't just a storm.

But you don't know what it is.

So you sit and watch the storm with your head resting in your hand, waiting for the hope of a new day.


The sun is shining.

Whatever had been plaguing Hollow Bastion for two days is, for now, over. There are still dark clouds resting over the castle – and only the castle – but you do your best to write this off as an odd coincidence as you resume training.

Today, you, Aqua, and a few others decided to head to the castle to practice magic. Well... you were going to practice. She had already become stronger than pretty much any of you, and was just trying to help you along at this point.

Not that she'd ever believe you if you called her the best.

After a few hours, it's finally time to take a break. You can tell Aqua wants to just hang out and enjoy the view, while you're overcome with a desire to explore the castle. Who knows how much longer you have left here in Hollow Bastion, free to do as you please. So, you slink inside, making your way through the winding halls and tall platforms before you find yourself once again standing in the middle of the old chapel.

It's dark and clammy inside, almost humid, which is a strange feeling since it's pleasantly cool outside. Without much of a second thought you venture deeper inside the castle, heading towards the room that started it all.

Once you've made it past the narrow platform, you pause for a moment at the large double-doors. Your hand runs down the broken hinges, remembering with a pang of your heart as you had to shut and lock it on a crazed Vanitas who was hell-bent on killing you. Your eyes dart to the platform in the distance, where Terra had been standing watching over a nearly-unconscious Ven before the swirling portal.

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