Noctis' Ending

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Noctis' Song: "Everglow" by Starset

"You leave me frozen

You leave me froze in time

In your


You'll never know

The beauty I see when you open your shadows"


"Your Majesty."

You'll never get used to hearing the words. They sound so foreign, especially when they're directed at someone you're actually lucky enough to be married to.

Yes, married.

You and Noctis moved back to his world soon after the war – less than a month, at the latest. As much as you wanted to celebrate peace with your friends and partners, there was a life to which Noctis needed to return. His father was waiting for him, as well as his best friends and his people.

It was a strange adjustment, going from living life throughout constant training to suddenly being pampered on daily. No matter how outrageous a request you had, servants would be able to fulfill it within less than an hour. The only people who would show any kind of normalcy in their interactions with you were Noctis' oldest and dearest friends – Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, and Prompro Argentum. Neither were afraid to put both of you in your place if need be, definitely moreso Noctis than yourself, and you've truly grown to love them.

As for you and Noctis, life has never been better. While it was weird moving to his world and being immersed in the life of royalty, and you still feel completely out of place most of the time, you'd never change it for anything in the world. Two months after moving to his world, in the middle of a fancy ball and on a balcony, secluded from all guests, Noctis got down on one knee, a knowing smirk on his face as he held out a beautiful velvet box hiding a gorgeous diamond ring.

You cried, Gladio cried – it was an evening you'll never forget.

One year later to the day, you were married in front of what felt like the entire Kingdom. The best part is that all of your old partners from the world were in attendance, happy to share the day with you.

It's been eight months since your wedding day, and each day seems to be more enjoyable than the last.

"More cake?"

You pause, glancing up at your husband as he leans a hand on the table to gain your attention.

"Is that even a question?" you ask with a laugh, watching with a smile as he grabs another slide from the large cake at the end of the table.

"How silly of me," he notes dryly, knowing better than to ask if you want more dessert.

It's your birthday tonight, and after a small party the two of you are enjoying a few moments to yourselves in your private chambers.

"Damn right," you agree, giggling as he rolls his eyes before he changes his mind at the last second and swoops down to capture your lips in a quick kiss.

"Only the best for my Princess," he tells you, a soft smile on his face as he runs his fingers lazily through your hair. He sits beside you, leaning close as he rests a hand over your slightly swollen stomach. "And my future King."

Your heart skips a beat at the sweet gesture, practically melting into a puddle as you rest your hand over Noctis' and meet his warm gaze with a smile of your own.

Yes, life really has become perfect.


lmao how tf did this become so adorable  tho XD

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