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"... So basically, I just told him 'if you want the car washed too, ya gotta do it yourself.'"

"WHY would you say that to Setzer?!" Olette cries out in horror, glancing down the row of seats at Axel.

You follow her gaze, a small smile tugging at your lips as the redheaded Nobody just shrugs his shoulders meekly. Truth be told, you were only half paying attention to his story about how he told off a demanding Setzer at his job as a mechanic. No, your focus has been focused like a hawk on the sight in front of you.

It's finally the long-awaited day of the Struggle Championship. Roxas and Hayner are currently squaring off in the middle of the Sandlot, in a grueling final dual. As the reigning champ, Hayner wasn't making it easy for Roxas.

"So how'd he respond to that?" Xion asks with a laugh, leaning over you to be closer to Axel so he can hear her over the screams of the crowd.

"Eh, my boss loves me so I just got a slap on the wrist. I think we lost him as a customer, though."

You roll your eyes as Pence and Xion start to snigger and Olette shakes her head in disappointment.

"You're lucky you're so charming. Most people would be fired by now," you tell Axel, finally tearing your eyes from the match.

A small smirk toys at the redhead's lips as he looks down at you. You still weren't quite used to Axel being a part of your group of friends in Twilight Town. He fit in well, especially with Hayner, who loved having another troublemaker around. Xion and Olette also became fast friends. It made the adjustment much easier to life after the war having Xion and Axel around, and you had truly grown to love both of them. Axel chuckles, patting your knee before leaning back in his seat and glancing out at the match.

"Charming, eh? Maybe I have a shot with you after all."

"Don't let Roxas hear that!" Xion teases, nudging you with her shoulder.

"Stoooooop," you complain, though you can't help but laugh at the annoyed look Axel shoots her.

With a grin you look out at the match, watching Roxas as he successfully blocks hit after hit with his bright blue Struggle bat. You glance at the clock, starting to bounce a little in your seat with excitement when you realize there's only 15 seconds left.

"Five! Four! Three! Two! One!" Xion, Pence, and Axel chant together before the buzzer sounds.

"And the winner is: Roxas!" the announcer yells, the bleachers exploding in applause as a grinning Roxas and Hayner shake hands.

You jump to your feet, practically pushing everyone out of your way as you run through the bleachers and towards Roxas. He turns to face you, barely registering you before you leap into his arms. He catches you with a gentle "oof," chuckling in your ear as he holds you against him.

"How'd I –"

Roxas is forced to trail off as you pull back, pressing your lips to his. Almost immediately he responds, a hand resting on the back of your head as your fingers dig into hair.

"There's kids around, you perverts."

You and Roxas break apart, glancing over at a smirking Hayner as Roxas places you back on the ground.

"Perverts?" you repeat with a crinkle of your nose.

"Sorry man," Roxas apologizes with an awkward laugh, one of his arms still around your waist. "Just can't help myself."

You bite back a smile as Roxas glances down at you, sending butterflies through your stomach. After all this time it still felt so incredibly rightbeing here, with him, that you can't help but wonder what took you so long to just admit your feelings for him. It would have saved you – and many other people – a lot of heartache.

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