We All Have A Part To Play

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A/N: This chapter is L O N G (22 freaking pages), but had to happen eventually.

Casual reminder that KH2's plot never happened in this series. Also, for continuity purposes with real KH, I HOPE this all adds up/makes sense and I'm not totally off base. If not, whatever, I'm saying it's what happened so deal with it xD

Only one result but I'm not expecting any complaints <3


A knock on your bedroom door causes you to jump, tearing your eyes from the movie blaring on your TV as you glance at the door with a frown.

"It's open," you call out, a smile growing on your face when you see first Sora and then Roxas. "Hey, you two."

"Ready to go?" Sora asks, thumbing over his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah," you mutter, sighing as you click off the TV and crawl out of bed.

"You're wearing that?" Roxas asks, glancing down at your leggings with a raised eyebrow.

You look down as well, unsure what's so problematic about leggings and a sweater.

"Yeah... Why? It's not like we're going to a fancy dance or anything," you respond with a shrug, following them out of your room and shutting the door behind you.

Your eyes land on a yawning Riku leaning on the wall outside of your room, looking like he just rolled out of bed. Down the hall Ven and Terra are chatting, Aqua held in Terra's arms as she continues to rest in her unconscious state. The only people going to see Yen Sid today are the seven of you. It's not that everyone else isn't important, of course they are. But they're lucky enough to not be tied into Xemnas' plans to the same extent as your little group.

"Wait, I wanna say bye to everyone," you say as Sora, Roxas, and Riku start to head towards the trio down the hall.

They look at you, then each other, before sighing and calling over Ven and Terra. You smile, leaving them behind as you walk down the hall towards the source of noise you can hear bursting from the entertainment room. You poke your head in, immediately grinning when you see a very competitive game of Hungry Hungry Hippos going on between Reno, Axel, Zack, and Yuffie as Xion, Cloud, and Leon watch amusedly. Noctis is nodding off on the couch with his arm covering his eyes as Genesis and Angeal read and chat next to him.

"No! Bullshit!" Reno roars, shoving the game away from him as Zack and Axel devolve into laughter. "Bullshit Fair, you have to be cheating to win this much."

"Or you just suck that much," Axel retorts.

"No one likes a sore loser, Sinclair," Zack reprimands the redhead with his most stern voice, though the smirk on his face serves as a dead giveaway that he's far from serious.

"Yeah, so get outta the way. It's my turn," Xion adds, kicking Reno a bit as she takes his seat on the floor.

Reno rubs his sore side, finally glancing up and spotting you in the doorway watching their antics with a smile.

"You guys heading out?" he guesses, and you nod as everyone in the room looks towards you.

"Yeah. We'll be back in, I dunno. An hour?" you guess with a shrug.

"Maybe longer," Riku speaks up, appearing next to you.

"Can't wait for you guys to fill us in!" Yuffie exclaims with a smile and a thumbs up.

"I doubt we're gonna find out anything new," Terra scoffs.

"But at least we'll get Aqua back!" Ven points out, patting her head so hard it slumps to the side against Terra's arm. "Oops."

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