Cloud Strife

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Living in The World That Never Was had been exciting... for all of one month. The remaining five had been absolutely miserable. Cloud was never around, as he always had to patrol the city and look out for any sign of the Organization, Maleficent... anyone, really.

You were never allowed to leave the castle by yourself, as the world had quickly succumbed to a different kind of darkness – sin. Drugs, alcohol, and violence exploded almost as soon as the war ended. Although Cloud claimed that this is why you couldn't travel around by yourself, you suspected otherwise. He never doubted your capabilities as a fighter, and you knew you could handle yourself if a dangerous man in the shadows attacked you. No, you know you're still a target. A group like the Organization doesn't fall so easily, and with your connection to Nobodies, Vanitas, and SOLDIER... you know you have a bounty on your head.

Roxas and Axel stopped visiting months ago. They claimed it was because being in the castle reminded them of their old lives, but you suspected that they still hadn't forgiven you for choosing Cloud. It was a lonely life, filled with painful memories and unhealed scars from the war.

Which is why you were so happy to be leaving this place and heading to Midgar.

"Are you sure it's okay for you to leave?" you ask Cloud.

He glances over his shoulder at you, previously watching some Third Class soldiers marching out with suitcases and boxes of your belongings. Neither of you owned much stuff, so packing only took an hour or so. However, Sephiroth very nicely arranged for some help to assist you in bringing everything to Midgar.

"What do you mean?" Cloud inquires as you take a step towards him.

You lean your shoulder against the large, glass windows on the wall. The city buzzes in the distance, neon lights flashing and lighting up the dark sky.

"I mean, I thought this world needed to be kept safe. I worry we're making a mistake by leaving."

Cloud smiles sadly, holding up an arm. With a smile you walk towards him, wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your face into his chest. He chuckles, the feeling reverberating through your body as he places an arm around your shoulders.

"Don't second guess this, [Name]. We can't stay here. The darkness..." he trails off, and you lift your head to look up at him. "It affects me too, you know?"

You nod solemnly, locking your eyes on the neon flashes lighting up the overcast sky. You know he's right. He was just as miserable here as you.

"Okay, Cloud," you agree, glancing up at him with a smile. "Midgar it is."

His lips curl up in a vague grin as he rests two fingers under your chin, tilting your head up towards him. Electric blue eyes are practically drinking you in as he stares at your face, unable to look away. His lips slowly lower to yours as he holds you close, almost like he's afraid of breaking you.

"Mr. Strife, we're – oh!"

The two of you break apart to see a Third Class standing in the doorway, an awkward look on his face as he rubs the back of his neck.

"We're, um... we're ready," he announces, avoiding looking at you.

Cloud nods, his hand still cupping your face as he releases a sigh.

"Thank you. We'll be right there."

The SOLDIER nods before backing out of the room and running down the hall. You can't help but release a quiet laugh at Cloud's suddenly annoyed expression.

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