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"... So basically, I just told him 'if you want the car washed too, ya gotta do it yourself.'"

"Oh, yeah? And how'd he respond to that one?" you ask with a laugh, gently squeezing Axel's hand that's currently grasping yours.

The redhead glances down at you with raised eyebrows, obviously amused. He's currently telling you all about his exciting day at work. To keep from arousing suspicions (since it's a small world, and well... it's hard not to notice Axel), he had taken a simple job at the local car mechanic's shop. He's surprisingly good with his hands, and had become an invaluable asset at the shop.

Unfortunately, his attitude was still the same... so his customer service was lacking, to say the least.

"Eh, you know. Boss loves me so I just got a slap on the wrist. I think we lost the customer, though."

You roll your eyes, patting him on the knee as you keep your focus on the Struggle match going on in front of you.

"You're lucky you're so charming. Most people would be fired by now," you tell Axel.

"If I weren't so charming, you wouldn't be sitting here either," he points out knowingly. You look up at him just as he adds, "got it memorized?"

With a small smile you reach a hand out, running your fingers down his smooth cheek. Living in Twilight Town with him had opened your eyes to just how complex Nobodies can be. While with you, he was capable of faking certain emotions and genuinely caring for you. But around other people he'd tend to panic, and his insecurities would overpower everything about him. And being here, in a crowd of people, was when he was at his worst.

"Stop. I'm not here just because of your charm," you remind him. "... Although that's part of it. I'm here because I love you. Heart or no heart."

You whisper the last part so that potential eavesdroppers don't hear. A soft, almost relieved, smile grows on Axel's face as he wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to him as he presses his lips against yours. After a few moments you try to pull back, but his hand resting on the back of your neck holds you in place as he tilts his head and deepens the kiss.

"Get a room, lamers. There's kids around."

You and Axel break apart, glaring over your shoulders at a smirking Seifer sitting behind you in the stands.

"Shut up, idiot," you and Axel growl simultaneously, glancing at each other in surprise at your dual statements.

"Heh, I really am rubbing off on you," Axel comments, shooting you a proud grin.

You give Seifer a smug look before turning your attention back to Axel, resting your head on his shoulder as he holds you close against him. The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes, with small touches and kisses littered between.

It was so hard to put your relationship into words. While Axel's undoubtedly complex, so easy to go from carefree and happy to self-loathing and almost cruel (though never to you), you also found him refreshing. He didn't experience emotions per se but he kept you on your toes, and fulfilled you more than you thought possible for someone without a heart. You would still wake up in the middle of the night – sometimes screaming, sometimes crying, always sweating – after experiencing vivid and terrifying nightmares. The war haunted you, but he was always there to keep you safe. And you liked to think that you offered him the same protection.

"And the winner is – ROXAS!!"

You and Axel leap to your feet, thrusting your homemade sign in the air. The blond glances over at the two of you, rolling his eyes and smacking himself in the forehead at your antics.

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