Traverse Town [Sora]

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A/N: Sora is my spirit animal.

Rates and comments are really appreciated. These take a lot of time and energy to write and I love hearing from you guys (and also knowing all the work is worth it~) :3

SO. I finally played KH BBS 0.2 – A Fragmentary Passage. DuuuUUUuude. If you haven't, you're missing out. So. Many. Feels. I want to talk about it endlessly because holy SHIT Aqua just might be the best character in this whole series. Also the animation is beautiful.

(It even kinda confirms the plot I've been doing for the Trio [heck maybe even Vanitas too, since Ven's wearing his outfit in the intro~] so YAY for not being totally off-base :D)

Okay done ranting, shutting up now~<3


"So, where do you think we're gonna go?" Sora asks after making a beeline for you. "Maybe we'll see some pirates!"

"Port Royal's already taken," Roxas responds before you can as he raises a hand to create a portal. Sora pouts silently, and you smile as you gently pat his back. "Just call when you're done. I'll get there as soon as I can," Roxas adds, nodding to the two of you before creating his own portal.

"Let's go!" Sora exclaims, grabbing your hand in his as he hauls you inside the portal.

Your feet just barely manage to keep up with his, and you hope he doesn't rip your arm out of its socket as he runs head-first into the portal. The darkness closes around you, but Sora keeps your hand firmly grasped in his own. The feeling brings a smile to your face and fills you with a warmth you haven't felt in ages.

Finally the darkness dissipates, revealing the Third District of Traverse Town. Sora groans.

"This is where Roxas sent us? There's nowhere to explore," he complains with a huff.

"I can think of one place to explore," you respond.

He shoots you a confused look, and you wordlessly point up. Storm clouds are gathered in the sky. Or at least, what looks like storm clouds. The longer you stare at them, the more you realize whatever is up there is moving around and clearly alive.

"Heartless?" Sora guesses, glancing over at you.

"Yeah. They're waiting," you note.

A pit of apprehension grows in your stomach as he tugs you along, hurrying up the staircase.

"Guess we gotta find that Keyhole then," Sora comments.

"Where do you think it is?" you ask, squeezing his hand as you jump in shock at the loud clap of thunder above.

"You okay?"

Sora's question has you tearing your gaze from the looming darkness threatening the skies to instead look up at him. His bright blue eyes are practically shining, a reassuring smile on his face as he watches you. It's enough to make your heart stop racing and a hint of a grin to grow.

"Yeah," you reply with a nod, squeezing his hand once more.

"You got this! You've been training so much, and now we get to save a world together!" Sora exclaims, raising his free arm up in the air as his grin grows.

"Yeah, I finally get to see you in action," you realize with a small laugh.

"Lucky you," he teases with a wink as he lowers his face closer to yours. "Now, about that Keyhole..."

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