Chapter 2

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My eyes flashed open and my head bolted up, causing an immediate piercing pain at the top of it.

"Ow.." I groaned, lifting my hand up to lightly brush the top of my head and feel the heat radiating from my new injury. Pulling my hand down, I checked and saw little trickles of crimson on my fingertips.

"Well that's perfect.." I started, but ended up shrugging it off and wiping my hand on my thigh.

Must've just cut my head on the top of this.. what is this?

I finally had the chance to look around me and take in my surroundings. I saw small holes in the shape of squares, and strips of what seemed to be bamboo- or some kind of wood.

Is this a cage..?

"Yes, it is," I whipped my head to the side, my hair suddenly getting caught in the wooden strips.

"Ow!" I cried out in pain. My hair was suddenly tugged on, and then it was free. I opened my eyes, blinking away the slight trace of tears that had started to form, and stared through the bars as best I could.

Oh not this guy again.

"What? I thought we had something going?" He smirked at what he thought was a snappy comeback to my thoughts and leaned forwards, gesturing between the two of us with his hands. So many questions were buzzing through my head, and it was hard to pick just one.

Did he kidnap me?

Where am I?

Who is he?

How did he vanish and appear out of no where?

How did he get into my room?

Can he read my thoughts?

"All of your questions shall be answered in time. For now," he paused. "I get to ask the questions," he said roughly, catching my attention.

Finally I could somewhat look at this boy. Since my eyes were at his feet, that's where I started. Knee high boots, that were either dark brown, or black, I couldn't tell due to the lighting, with red laces all the way up. Grey, slightly dusty pants, and a long, olive/dark green shirt, that was kind of like a tunic. A brown belt was around his waist, with a thin, golden, circular buckle and a dagger hanging on the side. The last thing I noticed, from his clothing that is, was two leather cuffs that bound his wrist.

That's different.

But then looking at his cuffs made me remember the cuff he'd put on me. My eyes darted down to the leather cuff on my wrist and immediately I tugged at the tough material.

"It's no use, I told that you already," I looked up at his face and noticed the slightly curled, dirty blonde locks that covered his head. He had a jawline that could literally slit my throat, and those eyebrows were more on fleek than my everything. Finally I made contact with his beautiful green eyes, with something-no, many things-hidden behind them. I stared at him, freezing from my previous actions and watching his facial features carefully.

"Like what you see?" He pulled me from my trance and I shook my head quickly, letting go of my wrist.

"Huh? W-N-no!" I stuttered out, lying as best I could. This guy kidnapped me- I'm not allowed to stare at his face- no matter how god-like he is.

"Well, you seem to be taking your time looking me up and down," he said, and amused look planted firmly on his face as he tilted his head to the side an smirked at me. I looked down at his shoes and he suddenly raised his voice. "Look at me when I'm talking to you."

Slowly, my eyes lifted to look at his chin, not daring to meet his gaze.

"In the eyes, darling," he said once more, straining every word to get his message across. "There's a good girl..." he said, his smile returning. But it wasn't a normal smiled, it was.. twisted. It wasn't physically twisted, no. But behind all his acts and words, his twisted smile let off a sense of.. insanity. "Now let's get to the real questions," his face went serious again, and he clasped his hands together, watching my carefully. It made me uncomfortable, as he was now staring at me while I simply pulled my knees to my chest and held myself as best I could.

Am I supposed to say something?

One of his eyebrows was raised, and he cocked his head to the side like a puppy.

"Okay..?" I nodded slowly, making it seem like a question and staring up at him with a trace of fear in my mind, even though it was probably showing all over on the outside.

"Well, you're 17, correct?" I nodded slowly, unable to speak. "Dirty Blonde, verging on brown?" Again I nodded.

He can see me, why is he asking these questions.

"Sometimes what you see, isn't what's really there. Or at least what you think is there. Let that be a lesson to you,"

Again I nodded, watching him slowly.

Trying to tell me something?

"Pale, piercingly icy, blue eyes?"

Yet again my head fuffilled the action of nodding, sitting forwards on my knees, and wrapping my fingers around the bars as he started circling me like a predator stalking his prey; which I, in fact, was.

"Only child?" I tilted my head side to side, thinking about my answer carefully.

"Yes and no."


I looked at the ground.

"My brother died." I said softly.

"I see,"

"And your name is Adelaide?"

"Yes. Adelaide Emilia Weller."

Not really much to say, but thank to people who decided to read.

I appreciate people who even consider reading this. So yeah, that's all for now.

Love y'all who read or just think 'bout reading.

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