Chapter 54

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Pan stormed into the center of the camp and, as per usual, he called for his head lost boy. When he appeared the other boys did nothing more than sit in an awkward silence around them. There was no monotone buzz from within the camp on that night. Only silent stares as Felix stepped closer to the demon king of Neverland.

"She's insufferable!" He screamed, throwing hus hands over his head and beginning to pace back and forth in front of the tall blonde boy. "Everything that girl does!" He kicked up the dirt around his feet; his demeanour resembling that of a 5 year-old throwing a tantrum.

"What's happened now?" Felix dared to ask why he was so pissed off, creating a slight breach of etiquette in the doing so. All the lost boys stared on in sheer terror of what may become of them.

"It's going faster than it should, the date is coming sooner. It has to be tonight! Get the boys ready for the transfer and collect everything I've set in place," Pan rambled on and on, listing demands of what to do. "I must collect my thoughts and prepare the curse for her- meanwhile I want you all ready by the time she accepts her fate and the dark curse is completed," he stopped pacing and turned to look at Felix, who hadn't yet answered to his instructions.

Felix cleared his throat as Pan's eyes narrowed and nothing disturbed the surrounding silence. "I don't see anyone jumping at the idea of following my orders?" He whispered darkly. No one answered. A single lost boy let out an awkward cough, but as Pan's eyes scanned the crowd of them, no contact was met with his cold green stare.

"We can't."

Pan's eyes flicked up to meet the face of the easily recognized voice.

"Excuse me?"

From the mass crowd of Lost Boys, Finn stepped forwards. Nobody else spoke up, but none of them glared at him; simply kept their eyes down in order to prevent eye contact with their merciless leader.

"We can't do it, Pan," he spoke again, letting his eyes trail upwards to meet with Pan's darkened ones. The head Lost Boy just chuckled, shaking his head slightly and furrowing his brows together.

"And why's that?" He asked darkly. Finn stared ahead with unblinking eyes. He was deep within thought, then his head began to nod very slightly, as if he was convincing himself of what to say in his head.

"We love her,"

"Excuse me?"

"We love her, Pan!" Finn allowed his voice to raise. If everyone wasn't silent before, they were most definitely soundless now. "We've all gotten to know Adelaide well enough to know that this isn't right. She's an amazing girl who's gone through so much hurt because of you, and it's unfair to ask any more of her. She doesn't deserve anything but happiness, and this is how you treat her?" Pan stared with narrowed eyes as Finn as the boy dared to lift his head higher. "And we won't help you lead her into misery," he stated with another firm nod.

Pan was silent, staring at his boys with intrigue, until a smirk grew upon his thin lips, and a cackle began to escape his cracked lips.

"Listen to yourselves! Love, right, wrong, unfair, deserving? You've all gone mad! And to think you still call yourselves Lost Boys? You're all boys who feel unloved, who feel lost, Mortal boys, who, in fact, would still be stuck in that horrid state of misery if it weren't for me. You dare to tell me that I have no place to decide her fate, yet I'm the one who decides the fate of you all?" Pan had gotten dangerously close to Finn in the time it took for him to finish his monologing. "It's a shame you won't be joining us in The New Neverland," Pan paused, then thrust his hand into the Lost Boy's muscular chest, pulling out a deep red, glowing heart; barely tainted. "You would have done so nicely," Finn had pinballs of sweat running down his forehead, and his breathing was heavy. Before Finn had the chance to say anything, Pan squeezed his heart into a pile of dust; sprinkling the sand overtop the limp body before him.

All of the Lost Boys stared down in silence, knowing it better than if they were to show shocked expressions.

"In fact, since you all feel this way, it may be better off to start off fresh. All new Lost Boys," he stepped back a foot and grinned at them all. You may leave," he spoke in an oddly positive manner, a terrifyingly perfect smirk on his face. "Go, be off," he waved his hand, issuing for them to walk away. All the boys glanced around, until they began to slowly trail off into the woods. Soon enough, all the boys were gone, all; except for Felix. He stood tall, staring at his leader with a knowing look.

"How far?"

"They won't make it took the river," Pan answered, a great smirk upon his face. "My most loyal Lost Boy," Pan smirked. "You choose to stay?" He questioned. Felix simply played with the toothpick held tightly between his teeth, letting out a sigh and adjusting the club upon his shoulder.

"I'm happy, there'd be no point in leaving. I have nowhere to go," he said. "No family but this one," Felix's response put a smile upon Pan's face.

"I'm pleased to hear that," he paused. "Unfortunately, I tell the whole truth when I say it's time to start anew," he sighed. "It should remain as just Adelaide and I, no one else shall accompany us," he spoke.

"But Pan-"

"No, Felix, there will be no negotiation of te sort," Pan stepped away, smiling with pride. "However, you deserve better. You have always been loyal, never once straying from my side. So, I reward you, with this island. It's yours to keep. And if you wish, you may choose a singular boy to stay with you- so you do not become lonely, of course," he grinned. A smirk formed upon Felix's face.

"As much as I dislike being cast out, I must say I feel honoured," he took in a breath and nodded his head. "Cedric," he chose. Pan only smiled.

"Excellent choice, you'll find him easily," Pan looked down and blinked slowly, grinning once again. "It's a true shame, the end of an era," he placed his hand upon the taller boy's shoulder. "Our paths will cross again, I can guarantee it, Felix," Pan grinned at the boy, then stepped back, giving him one final wink before disappearing into nothing.

It may have seem strange to see Pan so soft towards his Lost Boy, but in reality, he wasn't truly. He simply didn't see a point to wasting time killing a boy who'd be dead once the new curse was cast. When the old Neverland would soon become nothing but a pile of dirt and rocks upon the ocean. When the life of the island was drained in order to flourish the New Neverland.

The Neverland for him and his queen.


A/N: yoooo life sucks man.

This was fun

one chapter left

I'm finna CUH-RY

Y'all better get as emotional as I will and demand bonus chapters!1!1!

Alright, not much else to say except that I'm stressed and haven't slept properly in about 2 weeks... sleep deprivation ftw!!


Love y'all whomever you may be!! :D Xx


P.S. I didn't edit any of this

Je suis fucked.

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