Chapter 48

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"Finally summer vacation has arrived!" Adelaide slammed her cold, metal locker shut to see Claire staring at her in excitement for her previous words. The now 17 year old girl rolled her eyes and pushed her backpack strap further onto her shoulder.

"Yeah, it's too bad my summer is gonna be boring as all hell once you're gone," Claire was leaving for a summer and Adelaide did not hesitate when it came to expressing her hatred towards it. Claire sighed and lightly shoved Adelaide as she leaned against another row of lockers, crossing her arms across her chest and tilting her head back.

"Oh come on Addie! You know I wanted you to come, but your parents said no! Plus I love you babe, but there is no way I'm skipping out on going to London-no matter how embarrassing my parents are," she responded, snorted the last bit and rolling her eyes. Adelaide stood in front of her and the two girls continued speaking for quite some time. "Are we still on for tonight? I mean, I'm leaving in three days and I seriously need them to pack so if I don't come over tonight.. then I won't see you for the whole summer!" Claire continued. Adelaide rolled her eyes again.

"You're only going for a month, Claire," she chuckled at her friend. "And besides, why are you packing so much when it's inevitable you'll be shopping anyways?" She asked, pulling her head back and shaking it slightly, her eyebrows knotting together. Claire threw her hands in the air and Adelaide held the books in her arms closer to her chest.

"I gotta look good while shopping because of the hot British guys!" Claire argued back with a grin.

"What's this about hot British guys?" Adelaide and Claire both turned their heads to see David, Claire's boyfriend of two years, walking over and slinging his arm over her shoulders. Ryan was with him, but Tyler was nowhere to be seen.

"Claire was just talking about her plans for London," Adelaide answered before Claire could, and her friend just stared at her with her mouth hung open. David raised his eyebrow before deciding to look at his girlfriend with a smirk.

"No British guys are going near my girlfriend on my watch, thank you," he said, leaning in and pulling her in for a short makeout session. Adelaide just rolled her eyes and looked away, turning to Ryan. He raised and eyebrow at her and chuckled.

"I know, right?" He asked, glancing at the two teens that were too distracted by one another's tongues to care about what was happening around them. Adelaide laughed and turned to fully face her friend, the two beginning to talk about their plans for the summer.

"I guess you'll be spending all your time with Tyler then?" Ryan asked, his voice sounding distant and his face scrunched up in question. Adelaide tilted her head to the side.

"Well you and I can spend some time alone together too, Ryan," Adelaide said, smiling at him awkwardly. "We're friends," she lightly touched his arm and he just cleared his throat.

"Are you sure your guard dog is okay with that?" He asked, glancing over to their friends that were still clinging to each other.

"Guard dog? Do you mean Tyler? He'd be fine with that, why wouldn't he?" She asked in utter confusion. Ryan just rolled his eyes at her oblivion.

"Seriously Addie? Have you not noticed that you and I haven't been alone together in the passed two year- except maybe when it comes to classes?"

"What? That's not true!"

"Whenever we hang out Tyler doesn't even leave you alone with me to go to the bathroom, he literally waits for me and makes me wait for him," Ryan said in annoyance. Adelaide just shook her head.

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