Chapter 42

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"Kitten, wake up,"

I slowly opened my eyes to see Peter smiling down at me, his finger gently rubbing up and down on my temple.

"Morning," he said slowly leaning down and kissing my temple where he had just been caressing me.

"Morning? But it's always night?" I asked, looking around. He laughed at my childish behaviour and shook his head gently. He stood up from where he was lying on the bed next to me, and walked to a dresser where there was many things. It was chocolate brown, which meant it was most likely made out of oak wood, and had four drawers going along the width from top to bottom. On top was a small vanity mirror, and a little box filled with who knows what. But what Pan was reaching for, was a long brown comb. He turned back to me as I sat up, and handed me the comb, and I took it sheepishly in my hands, pulling my hair over my shoulders to easily brush the back of my blonde hair.

It hurt like hell.

Which made sense, because I hadn't brushed my hair the whole time in being there.

"Here, princess," he said suddenly, pulling the comb from my hands. "Turn around, I'll do it for you," I just stared at him.

"I don't know if I trust that," I said slowly. He just gave me a look that said 'don't protest', and so I turned around and let him slowly pull the teeth of the comb trick my dirty hair. "I'll take you to get cleaned up today- don't worry I won't be watching. Just make sure nobody else is," he said, making me scrunch up my face in disgust. Somehow Pan was managing to brush smoothly though my hair without hurting me, and I let my eyes close at the familiar feeling of relaxation.

"Pan?" I asked suddenly, but he continued with the brushing easily.

"Yes kitten?" He asked, making my skin crawl at the nickname once again.

"W-why was my brother able to see us both yesterday?" I said quietly, not knowing what his reaction would be. Instantly he stopped brushing, and I let out a wince at the painful feeling of my hair being pulled.

"I made us both temporarily visible. It doesn't last long, but I can do it," he said calmly, continuing with the brushing.

"So.. how does this whole thing work?" I asked him again, and he simply parted my hair to move onto the next knot he came across.

"Elaborate on 'this thing' for me," he said, no emotion whatsoever in his words.

"This whole.. connection.. bond thingy," I said rather awkwardly, considering I didn't know what to call it. He stayed silent momentarily, then defeated the knot and continued.

"Only one can be visible at a time,"

"Will it always be like this?"


"How do we make it not- perhaps. How do we make both of us constantly visible?" I asked him. He sighed.

"That takes a great deal of things, my dear. There are many ways. Sacrifice, magic," then he leaned in close so his lips brushed against my ear, his warm breath sending tingles down my spine.


I shivered slightly, deciding not to speak of the matter any further, and he went back to brushing my hair and finally finishing.

"Come, let's go get you cleaned up," he then said, lifting me up by pulling my hand, and then suddenly making us appear next to a river. I looked at it in confusion, wondering why a river would be in Neverland, but she shrugging it off and looking at Pan who was waiting at me expectantly.

The Monster Under My Bed • Peter Pan, Once Upon A Time •Where stories live. Discover now