Chapter 1

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I slowly opened my eyes to the next morning's light shining through my somehow opened curtains.

"Man, that was weird," I was under the covers completely, and I was slightly sweating, like the night before. Slowly, I sat up and pulled the the covers down onto my lap. "Was it just a dream?" I said aloud.

"Well I'd hope it wasn't. Because that'd mean I'm not real," I jumped and turned to see the same boy as before leaning against the wall next to my closet, his face shadowed.

"Who are you?" I asked slightly more confident in the daylight.

"I told you last night darling, soon," he sighed, stepping forwards and letting his crossed arms drop to his side.

"Okay fine.. What're you doing here?" I asked, changing the topic of questioning.

"Don't worry, you'll know that soon too," he walked closer to me, kneeling next to my bed so his head was level with mine.

"What do you want from me?" I needed some answers.

"Don't worry darling, everything will unravel itself..." he whispered, his hand reached forwards and lighting grasping my chin, his rough fingers a strange feeling against my soft skin.

"W-" I began, but he moved his head and pressed a finger to my lips.

"Let's not speak, darling," he whispered gently, his voice trailing off as he studied my features. "Let's just go.." I furrowed my brow as he stared into my soul with the deepest green eyes I'd ever seen.

"Where..?" I said, ignoring his thumb on my lips. He pulled them away as he answered my question.

"To your new home, of course," he murmured, his lips curving in a grin at the ideas popping into his head. My eyes widened and I was about to speak, but my curiosity cut me off when he pulled away from me, standing up and looking down at me from the center of my tiny room. "I'll give you a chance to come with me willingly. Either you do, or something much worse happens," he said, now his voice louder with, more dominance lacing it. One of his hands reached out in front of me; I looked down at it, my voice lost for words.

"Well?" He asked impatiently.

Slowly, I shook my head. I didn't have any answers, so I wasn't just going to go with him willingly.

"Your choice.." he said, and I swore I could've heard darkness in his voice. He firmly grabbed my forearm and placed something on it. It was a black cuff. I went to take it off but when I tried, I couldn't get it off my wrist- and that wasn't even the weirdest part. The weirdest part was that the cuff was glowing.


"On last chance or I'll have to take you by force,"

Again I shook my head.

Don't give him the power.

"Silly girl. You should've listened,

"W-what is it for?" I asked him just before he pulled me up, gesturing to the cuff that was still illuminating light from my wrist.

"It prevents you from fighting against me," he responded snapping a finger, and like that; everything went black.

A/N: Okay no idea if anyone is really enjoying this, but I feel like continuing it anyways. So if you actually like it, and want me to continue it, then let me know!

It gives me a reason to continue, besides being bored out of my mind with literally nothing to do.

Anywho, to this of you who are reading, hope you're enjoying it so far!

P.S. Dear lord this chapter is sooooo cRiNGeY

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