Chapter 12

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Another flash of white, and my eyes rolled downwards and I saw Peter sitting there with a nervous expression on his face.

Me and him just stared at each other, neither of us daring to speak a single word.

In all honesty, I was proud of all my brother had done to protect me. Even when he tried to kill Pan.

I chuckled slightly. He raised an eyebrow.


If he wants to be my.. brother.. father.. whichever, then he shouldn't do the eyebrow thing because it's just.. needless to say, I don't think I should continue on about it.

"Well that looked painful., I smirked. He rolled his eyes at my attempt of light hearted humour.

"It was," standing up, he slowly walked back to the trunk and put the dreamcatcher away. Once he turned around, he walked over and lied me down, since I was sitting up from the memory thingy.

"Just go to sleep now," he murmured as he pulled the covers over me.

"Why?" I started.

"Because you need to be well rested if you're ever going to leave,"

My eyes lit up.

"Leave... Neverland?" He burst out into laughter, and I'm not gonna lie, I frowned and felt really bad now.

When he saw I was being serious he shut his mouth.

"No, I-I meant leave this room," he cleared up the confusion. "I'm sorry to burst your bubble of hope, but it is highly unlikely that you'll be leaving Neverland, darling,"

I nodded slowly, looking down sadly.

"Hey," my eyes lifted to his as he sat on the edge of the bed next to me.

"You'll be fine. I'll make sure no one comes in here," he started to stand up and I sat up as he did so.

Looking over his shoulder, he sighed.

"Come on Adelaide, you need to sleep," I crossed my arms and pouted.

"But I'm not tired!" I whined.

He smiled so widely, I didn't even know it was possible.

"What!" I said still pouting.

"If I didn't know any better I would say you were still 5 years old,"

His smiled was genuine and soft, and I'm not lying, again, when I'm saying I liked how kind and gentle he looked. Perhaps he really did want to better himself.

"What?" He asked, which made me realize I was staring.

"Nothing," I muttered, no longer pouting but still holding my arms crossed.

Again he sat down next to me.

"Well then what do you want to do?" He asked me.

Oh, I don't know. Go home. See my brother again. My real brother.

He frowned a little himself and glanced down.

"Adelaide I don't know what happened to him. Well, I know what happened. But you saw exactly the same things I did. I know no more than you. My shadow took the box and I don't know where he took it, he won't tell me,"

It was my turn to raise an eyebrow.

"Doesn't your shadow obey you?" He sighed.

"It's complicated. The shadow was on Neverland before I was, I have more power than him but he has secrets that he hides, things that I don't know about, and destroying him makes more work for me,"

My eyes narrowed in annoyance.

"Adelaide, is there anything else you're interested in doing?" I shook my head.

Then his eyes lit up, like two emerald green stones shining in my face.

"I know just the thing,"

I glanced around in confusion as he grinned like a madman. Well, madboy.

"What is it?"

"It's a surprise,"

He stood up from his seat.

"Is there anything you need before we go?"

Looking around I thought as I pulled the covers off. Then I looked down at my body. I was still in my pyjamas.

A plain white thin strapped tank top and a pair of pink, yellow, blue and white plaid flannel pants. Yep. That's all I was wearing.

I also wasn't wearing a bra, which made me feel a little uncomfortable.

So I crossed my arms over my chest and looked up at him timidly. I didn't want to meet his eyes with mine since I just realized what I looked like this entire time in front of him.

"Do you have a change of clothes for me?" I asked. He nodded and flicked his hands backwards, walking towards the entrance as a very large trunk appeared at the end of the bed.

I quickly paced over to the chest and looked inside, noticing the thing I needed the most was missing.

"Anything else?"

Taking in a huge breath I finally looked up at him.

"D-do you also have a-a um. A.." I looked around, then up at him. He simply leaned against the doorway and crossed his arms, waiting for my question.

"A bra.." I said hesitantly.

"No need to be embarrassed darling, it's only natural,"

His wrist flicked and then a bra suddenly appeared in his hand. My eyes widened and I could tell my face was burning bright red at this point.

He outstretched his hand and passed it to me, as I snatched it quickly.

When I looked back inside the chest I noticed another thing. These weren't girls clothes. These were boy's clothes. Probably his, which made me uncomfortable.

Well, the shirts were. There was, thankfully, a few pairs of skinny leggings that would fit me.

"What's this supposed to be?" I said a little more bitterly than I intended.

"What? You don't like them? You could always just wear your top that you have on."

I bit my lip and nodded awkwardly.

"I'd rather do that if you don't mind," he sighed at my response.

"You're hard work," he groaned. I looked up at him and crossed my arms.

"I'm a girl,"

He gave me a dead serious expression and raised that goddamned eyebrow again.

"Alright, I'll be right outside when you're done. And don't start complaining if you get cold, I won't give you my shirt,"

I rolled my eyes but nodded anyways and waited until I was sure he left so I could change.

Well, let's see where he takes me. Let's see where this takes me.


Anywho I love embarrassing my characters and boy does Adelaide have A LOT coming.

Not much to say OH WAIT




Love y'all whomever you may be!! Xx :D


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