Chapter 6

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He straight up froze. Froze. Like his feet were planted in the ground. He was like one of those freaky wax manikins on display at a museum.

I couldn't even see his fingers twitch. They were just held up in place from him pacing around and explaining things before my stupid thought.

Not even a strand of hair was lightly blowing in the breeze.   

Oh good job Adelaide he probably thinks you're an idiot now, and he's going to murder you for not paying attention again.

Of course I'm not saying something first, do you think I'm crazy? Okay, you might. Considering my most recent theory on who this strange boy is.

So it was deadly silent. There wasn't even the sound of the leaves rustling that was a nice background noise when I first got here.

Well. Woke up here.

It's like the forest didn't dare murmur a single thing, in fear that this boy would destroy anything that moved. Dare I say anything that even looked at him wrong.

Okay, I see your point maybe I am crazy.

Then he spun around on his heels, but it was like he was on a dolly, his hands, arms, legs, not even his goddamn bloody face moved a millimetre.

A freaking millimetre.

His lips were pursed because when he originally froze he was in mid sentence. Then something twitched. His eyes flickered down at me, and then his head cocked to the side as he finally relaxed his body.

It looked as if he was about to say something, really. His mouth positioned like that. However, it took him forever to let it escape his thin lips.

Something strange happened. His took in a breath, glanced to the side. Looked back down and took a small step back.

Is he nervous?

"What was that?" As soon as the nervousness was spotted, it was lost in the depths of his emerald green eyes.

Wait wha-

I glanced around dumbfoundedly.

"What was that?" I curled my lips inwards and stared at him with an expression that had so many mixed emotions on it that I probably looked constipated.

Okay that's not a very good term to use, but I could die at any minute, you're really going to complain about my use of the English language?

"What did you just say?" He asked again.

"I didn't say anything," Yeah, I didn't say anything. He keeps mixing this up. On purpose? Who knows.

He took one step closer, his right arm raising again, and index finger pointing up for who knows what reason.

"You know what I mean, now spit it out,"

My arms crossed.

"I'm sorry sir, I have no comprehension of to what you may be referring to," I said in complete and utter confidence.


"I may or may not have just thought you were Peter Pan," I blurted out.

Goddamnit Adelaide you're dead for sure.

He eyed me, his expression changing to one of interest.

"Tell me, what would lead you to this conclusion? And don't leave out a single detail, because trust me," he paused. "I will know,"

I glanced to my right and just stared in that direction for a few moments. I guess I was thinking with my eyes and not my mind.

"Uh-okay, well," I started.

I proceeded to explain my theory. How he seemed magical, he could appear out of thin air. It was like he was reading my mind.

Meanwhile he had sat down in front of me again, staring with something behind his eyes I couldn't quite identify.

Let's just focus on not pissing off the person outside of the cage you're in. Quite frankly he's your only way out if you think about it. No. Stop thinking about it.

"You say you don't have your shadow, and this is a more twisted version of the Peter Pan I know, but you said you wanted mine. And then.." I paused.

He looked away then back at me.

"Yes?" He said impatiently.

"I thought I heard you say 'And that's why we don't have girls in Neverland' and I guess it kind of just set in my mind and now it's the only thing consuming my thoughts," I said, not holding eye contact.

There was silence again. Still no rustling leaves. Still no breeze. Nothing moved. I couldn't even hear either of our breathing. Maybe he put the world on mute?

Throw me in an Asylum: Right now, do it.

I'm crazy.

The moment I glanced up at him was the moment I noticed the intense stare. Yes there already was intense stares. But this one was intense. Like it could be the bases of tension for a whole movie trilogy.

That one bad look. That intense stare. Could be the thing that started the hatred between an antagonist and the protagonist in a book. Or a whole book series for that matter.


My attention was drawn back up to him, because I didn't hold the stare. No no. That would be silly. Do you think I have a death wish? Cause it may seem like I do but I don't.

"I am," he leaned closer, staring me down evilly. I swear I saw something flicker, almost dancing in his eyes.

"Peter Pan."

A/N: well that escalated quickly, don't ya think? No? Okay..


Last time I checked there was 100+ views on the story in general (not by chapter) because in my last authors note, I said thanks for 95+ but last time I checks the views it was 124. So yeah.


Love y'all whomever you may be!!

Thanks again Xx.

Oh P.S. In this chapter I'd like to acknowledge the mm (millimetres). Yes I use the metric system. Deal with it.


UPDATE: 2019 author i'm cACKLING "tHanKs fOr tHe 124 viEWs!1!1!1" omg girl if u only knew what was coming

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