Chapter 19

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Warning: Violence.
It may be graphic to you, but it all depends on how you depict it seeing as it's not visual violence, just a written description!!

"Stop it! Please!" I cried out.

"Be quiet!" Pan spat at me. He threw me against the cold stone wall, which only made me fall against the floor again.

My cheek was pressed against the blood spattered ground, and my eyes were half closed. Two dark blurry lumps appears in front of me and I lifted my head slightly, and opened my eyes as much as I could, to see Pan standing there and looking straight down at me.

I heard one of his limbs crack-but not in a sickening way, you know when you're walking and your joints kind of make a sound? Like that-as he walked around the side of me, and I just let my head drop down again. I let out a loud mixture of a 'huff!' And a groan.

"You're pathetic," he stated. I took in a shaky breath as he didn't do anything for a few moments. Then pain shot through my head and he dragged me up by my messy hair.

My clothes were covered in some dried and some fresh blood. And so was the floor and walls. Even Pan had a bit of crimson red splattered on his arms and clothes from the amount of torture that had been going on. The most painful part, was that he had broken some of my bones, but then he fixed them, and it only made the pain worse. He shoved me against the wall, his arm pressed against my throat, choking me. I tried to breath, and I was able to, but not very well. His other arm went down to his belt and I heard the slicing sound of his dagger being pulled slowly from its sheath. Closing my eyes, I didn't want to imagine what he was planning on doing. I had a terrifyingly pained expression on my face, but I'm sure it meant absolutely nothing to him at this point. There wasn't a

"Look at me," he stated. I didn't do anything, and then he slammed the hilt of the dagger into my side.

I let out another one of those gasp, huff things and squeezed my eyes shut even more.

"I said, Look. At. Me," he expressed his desire to watch the pain in my eyes. Slowly, I opened my eyes and looked at his chin. "In the eye, Adelaide," he demanded. My gaze lifted to his and a malicious grin spread across his face. "There's a good girl. If you keep up this behaviour maybe you won't be punished like this!" He said cheerfully, booping my nose with his finger. I just stared at him in pain, not daring to show anything else hiding behind my eyes. "However, your punishment isn't finished. I'm not done having my fun yet!" He said again. "Wouldn't you agree?"

It hurt to nod. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to blink. It hurt to do everything.

But then it got worse. He brought the knife up to my face and pressed is lightly against my cheek, not yet drawing blood. "I'm going to ask you a few questions, alright? And you better answer them in the best way for yourself," he grinned. "And don't try to lie, or I'll know, my darling,"

Again I nodded, but I did it carefully because I didn't want to get cut.

"Are you going to try and escape me again?" I shook my head a bit. "Good! Are you going to keep thinking about your pathetic excuse for a brother?"

I didn't respond this time. He knew the answer, I wouldn't stop thinking about him. But I might not try escaping to go after him again.


"No comment?" He asked sweetly. I took in a deep breath and started to look down, but I saw him frown, and lifted my gaze again.

He let out a sigh and lightly shook his head in disappointment. The knife pricked into my cheekbone. He whittled it around like my face was a piece of wood and I winced in pain, my mouth opening. It undoubtedly was the least painful thing he'd done to me so far, but it was still a knife carving into my cheek. "Shhh," he said, focused on his work. "Don't move or you'll mess it up,"

The Monster Under My Bed • Peter Pan, Once Upon A Time •Where stories live. Discover now