Chapter 55

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Read at a moderately fast pace in order for the song to work :)) Or don't, your choice ;))


It was about to happen, and I hadn't even prepared myself mentally. Me and Pan were sitting in the boat, and he was rowing us towards Skull Rock. I sat there silently, not daring to even think about what I was planning on doing- killing Pan, that is. I prayed he had no clue, because if he even had the slightest inclination, I knew I'd be screwed. I didn't even dare to look at him as he rowed us to the small cavern where we would dock. Unfortunately, Pan had shown up with no warning; which prevented me from drinking the clear liquid so I could temporarily block him from invading my mind. However, I was at least able to hide away the objects and bring them with me.

"We're here, darling," I lifted my gaze to see Pan holding his hand out for me to stand up and out of the boat with his assistance. But I stood up on my own, refusing to touch him. It'd make it much easier to be rid of him once and for all if I didn't touch him or look him in the eyes. He just sighed and pushed the boat adrift once I was on solid ground next to him.

"What're you doing?" I exclaimed with concern. He just chuckled at my ignorance.

"We won't be needing a boat any longer, my dear," he answered. As he turned back, he gently took hold of my hand and pulled me up the crumbling staircase, where the broken hourglass remained. As we reached the top, I saw a large pile of wood; jars of sand and water placed delicately atop it. I gave Pan a puzzled look as he walked us closer, but he was too excited to notice. He practically skipped across the large space; his footsteps echoing around the stone walls in the process. He pulled me close as we reached the pile, and gave me a boyish grin. "Are you ready?" He couldn't contain himself; he was so very ecstatic for what was to come next.

It terrified me.

"Ready for what?" I asked in fear. He pulled away from me and as per usual, he began to pace around the room.

"For the new Neverland, what else?"

"The what now?" His smile dropped and his eyes rolled at my stupidity, but he continued nonetheless.

"You see, my dear Adelaide, it appears I've lost my touch," he began. "Neverland is not what it used to be," he paused and disappeared right before my eyes.

Suddenly we were both standing in one of the eye sockets of the skull shaped rock we were inside. We had a picture perfect view of the island. Pan was behind me, his arm lightly brushing my back as his hand rested on my right-hand shoulder. I stared at the view I had as he pointed ahead. "I no longer have complete power. The lost boys have rebelled, and the mermaids have betrayed the little trust I granted them," he spun me gently so that we were face to face. "In our new Neverland, there will be none of this," he whispered gently.

"Our?" I asked rather loudly. He chuckled softly.

"Yes, Adelaide, our," he took in a sharp breath. "You'll be coming with me," he turned back to the view. "My little princess," his voice was but a whisper. Before I could answer his body was once more facing mine. "And there will be no rouge shadows to try and kill the king,"

My palms began to sweat and I gulped quite loudly as I grew anxious for what he would next say. His face was awfully close to mine, an angry expression growing more and more by the second. He cocked his head and raised and eyebrow. "Hm?"

My breath hitched in my throat; I choked on the words I couldn't think to say, but nonetheless I forced something from my lips. "I thought there were no kings in Neverland," I stared him point blank in the eye, trying not to show my fear.

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