Chapter 5

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"A shadow?" I asked suspiciously. "What's so special about a shadow?" I cringed my nose up as he watched carefully, that damn attractive look never leaving his face. He smirked at me, which by now I'd noticed he seems to enjoy doing.

"A shadow is a very, precious thing," he said, getting his point across by straining the word and grinning at me.

"Really? Because I once saw a little girl running away because she was scared of her own shadow!" I said, gesturing with my hands while I spoke. He tilted his head to the side, his expression neutral and yet annoyed at the same time. He cocked an eyebrow as he waited for me to speak and I scoffed.

"Okay fine! It was me," I muttered, crossing my arms angrily like a child.

"What's something interesting you noticed about me, Adelaide?" He said, reaching a finger through the cage and lifting my chin, no longer on the topic of my embarrassing childhood.


"Answer the question," he said rather politely, making my eyes widen in confusion, and then my eyebrows knotting together. He rolled his eyes and scoffed, pulling his hand away and using his knee to push himself off the ground. "Answer the question, why don't you,"

It was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Nothing really," I muttered. He clenched his jaw and raised an eyebrow, pushing me to answer. "Alright, let me think," I paused momentarily, although I already figured out what I would say. "Well lets see? You're a psychotic asshat who put me in a cage, showed up in my room to kidnap me in the first place and seriously you're probably a rapist!" I said cheerfully, although it was full of sarcasm. He raised his eyebrows, both of them-thank god it wasn't just the one. That one devilish eyebrow that could just kill a person.

"Is that how you choose to think of me?" He asked, and I nodded, knowing what I'd just said was probably the stupidest thing I could've said to him at that point. "I can assure you Adelaide, those are not my intentions," he said, however when he said it, it was as if he was denying himself by saying it. It almost hurt him to say it.

He was probably lying.

"So," he paused. "You haven't made any other observations? Nothing's... missing? At all?" I looked him up and down, trying to figure out what it could possibly be that he was "missing." As a result I shook my head slowly and pursed my lips.

"No idea," a small chuckle erupted from his throat. No, I couldn't hear it. But I could see it. I could see his shoulders bouncing slightly. I could see his Adam's apple bobbing. I could see that stupid grin plastered to his gorgeous face.

I'm sorry what. No, he's not gorgeous. He kidnapped me and he's a total as-

"Adelaide I suggest you stop there. Now, I suppose I should point out to you what you've missed. And might I add that quiet frankly it hurts you didn't notice anything interesting about me. Considering the fact that you took your time looking me up and down a while back," he turned his back to me, pacing a few steps away. His hands were clasped together when he turned around, and he pulled one away, holding up an index finger. "Something of mine is missing," he said with a straight face. Even though his tone was rather, enthusiastic.

"Well clearly, you've been building up to that!" I retorted, waving my hands around. "I mean, you seem to have all of your limbs, so what is it you're missi- wait a minute," I said, my eyes widening and glancing to a place where they definitely should not have wandered to.

"Adelaide! I cannot believe you thinking like that! You're supposed to be innocent!" He yelled, shaking the cage roughly in anger.

"WOAH I'M SORRY!" I screamed in fear, putting my hands up and grabbing the sides of the cage so I could try and stay a little stable. He next grabbed my hair, I don't even want to know how, and dragged my head to the top of the cage, causing excruciating pain.

"You'd better be!" He said through gritted teeth, letting go of my hair roughly and stepped away, his back to me again. I rubbed my jaw, which hit pretty hard against he cage wall, and was now extremely sore.

"Son of a mother.." I started muttering, stretching my mouth open. Then I realized I wasn't paying attention and sat up, watching quietly as he glared at me. Mainly looking at the ground, but glancing up very so often I clasped my hands together.

"I'm missing my shadow,"

"Sure you are," I snorted with a little chuckle, glancing behind his feet, of which were firmly planted in the ground. When I looked back up he had that goddamn smug look on his face again, and somehow it made my stomach do flips. He stared at me with that smirk on his lips and looking me up and down multiple times.

"You know... we don't have any girls here," he paused. "Besides the..." he trailed off, his eyes wandering slightly.

"The what?"


"No. The what?"

"Remember our deal. No questions for you,"

My mouth hung open slightly.

"Yeah but this is a new question I didn't have bef-"

"Enough! Shut up and listen will you!" He yelled. Immediately I shut my mouth and looked down, playing with my fingers silently in my lap. I swore I could've heard him mutter. 'And this is why we don't have girls in Neverland.' But Neverland isn't real, is it? You got kidnapped by a boy who can appear and disappear from thin air Adelaide, real should be a very, open topic to you.

"Like I said, shadows are very valuable and precious to me. Althought I don't keep mine around. Mainly because he's quite difficult," he paused again and his eyes met mine once more.

"I think I'd like to cash in what's mine, Adelaide. After all, I won the game!" He somehow his dark, twisted look looked so attractive to me that I lost focus and began thinking.

I thought that if he said "and thats why we don't have any girls in Neverland" and was apparently missing his shadow- or so he said he was. Then that could only mean one thing. It made sense! Missing shadow, Neverland, he even kept calling me darling- it was all there!

I slowly started piecing it together in my brain until.

He's Peter Pan.


A/N: Greaaaaaat.

Anywhooooo. I was so busy this week it's not even funny, so I couldn't update as much, but I finally found a little time and here ya go!

Idek where my mind was in this, I kind of just.. Idk. I had a song in my head, a felt like there was so much tension in the story so far that a good, comedic chapter would relieve some of it, even though it gets pretty intense at the end


I wanted to say thank you SOOOOOO MUCH for the 95 FREAKING VIEWS THIS STORY HAS GOTTEN.

Ik that the views are spread between chapters, but still. This is HUGE for me, since (as I have said before) I barely expected 1-2 ppl to wanna read this.




Love y'all who decide to read this 😏😉❤️



Update: lmao the book is at like 86K and I'm looking back like WOAH 95 VIEW A MILESTONE

uPDaTe: 2019 author here and we're practically at 150k so like wtf was wrong with me

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